Plan 473,218


GreatGrady Captain
Mar 5, 2019
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So, the new, new

Going to head to the coast this weekend. The weather looks to be, the plan is head to the coast after work Friday....come back Tuesday afternoon...

I plan to leave the boat at a friend’s place in Corpus, and then head back early Friday for three more days of fishing;)

Stay tuned for more drama...more action...more crying....more bat channel;)

Bwahahahaaa! You crack me up Russ! I don't know whether to laugh or cry with you!
You can do both....I know I

I feel like Wile E. coyote....I keep ordering parts from a catalog and then flying off a steep cliff heh.

All good.

The problem with this weekend was trying to accommodate people. I wanted someone to go with me, besides my 10yr old son. Problem is, my wife decided she wanted to go. Now, don’t get me wrong, I only bought this boat because I knew she would want to go, even though she could have lived her entire life on land and not regretted it, she likes going to be with me.

I know, she’s

But, she has a dental appt on Monday, so....Has to be home Sunday.

I have a good friend that has a 24ft Parker down there and he was planning to meet us there. He rented the slip next to us so he had a place to sleep.

Then, my high school friend has been here each time I tried to go, so figured he wanted in...he cannot stay past Sunday, so figure he can drive my wife and daughter back...but claims he cannot drive at night for fear of falling problem, Suzanne will drive.

Then he decides to invite his wife...that was the final straw...and I just flat out said “enough! We are leaving Friday night. If you are going, ONLY you are going and you can meet us along the way.”

I I said....everyone enjoys the boat....after I get it fixed...heh.

So, time to make new boat friends:p
Getting a new wife seems kind of radical and expensive in finding new boat friends. But hey, a man has to do what a man has to do. Also there are boat friends and then there are boat friends who throw you gas and buy your bait and ice and so forth.. don't know the dynamics here at all, but if your high school buddy is the latter and not the former boat friend, maybe you not only invite him ,bit also his wife too. Why?

Well, I have found I tend to attract the boat friend who doesn't ever offer anything. I take them on the lake for the day enjoy their company and such, but they ain't ever going fishing with me on extended trips. If the wife is nice and doesn't complain or get seasick then all the better. If she is high maintenance and has to go in early because she won't pee in the water, not worth it at all. I am talking friend's wife here.

Lastly, trailer tip from a guy who has to haul it anywhere to do anything . If possible trailer the boat with as little fuel as possible and fill it up with ethanol free fuel when you get to your destination. Use street gas first to save coin. Inflate your tires to max cold pressure and remember towing is easy, stopping is the trick. Just because your truck can pull your boat at 80 doesn't mean you should pull it at 80.

Lastly, have fun. Oh, don't forget the keys . Ask me how I know. Lol.
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Lol, well....not replacing the wife....mine;)

My friend pays, but he is one of those halfway between. He will “throw me a hundred” but when I explain the trip costs us about 300, he starts asking why we need to buy so much bait etc. hell, since the boat is full of gas already, I am not even worried about gas money....but, as I told him, “If we want to go out more often, we share the expenses”.

That being said, if they start getting cheap, I can go out with just me and my family, don’t mind at all. This is about fun, but this ain’t a guide boat, heh...and his wife....”I’ll go but only if ‘X, Y, and Z’ ...”

Okay, we’ll meet you at the dock after we are done fishing.....


Need to burn the fuel down, otherwise I would tow it empty and never left the keys but did leave the fishfinders at home on a bass boat once;)

You could hear me ten miles away lol;)
Simple. Tell everyone me and the boat will be here from this day to this day.


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Oh, I flat out told him, no room for your wife.

This trip is to say thanks for sticking in there. After that, it is exactly that...."I can jump onboard if you pay your part"

I know.. my boat.. I do not ask people to pay.. I take people that want to go... but we all have those folks that show up when the boat is ready and their idea of paying their fair share is they may buy a tank of gas for the truck...maybe. Then they complain about buying live shrimp...

For two days, I tend to get a couple boxes of ribbon fish, a couple boxes of frozen squid, a couple boxes of frozen mullet, and a qt of live shrimp. That is my budget and my "go to". I will go out, hit bottom and such while working a sabiki rig for some live bait if possible, but come back to the jetties on the way in and try to hit a few reds and trout also.

When I hear "why do we need 2 boxes? why do we need live shrimp" to cut costs.. I am like, "do you know what we are going to catch? This ain't black bass...If you want to use lures, go for it.. when I catch fish and you ask to use the bait.. I will flat out tell you no.." heh..

Again, like I said.. no boat people around me, so this is what I hear when I take local friends. Good people.. but they do not get it. Is a big reason why I sold the ranch, all the whining. But, the beauty of a boat is.. it is mobile.. so.. I can meet and take anyone anywhere .. well, almost ;)

Anyway, Snapper season opens next Monday.. so, boat appears to be, leaving it down there and hitting it two weekends in a row. First two days will be nothing but shaking her down, intercoastal, jetties.. family.. getting out there and seeing what she can do, testing out the anchoring, getting anything I may be missing on the boat and a safety inspection... then, they all leave and my other boat friend and I plan to get some dang snapper, and.. I hope.. some Mahi etc.. we will see.

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