Polypropylene glue/adhesive question


GreatGrady Captain
Nov 11, 2017
Reaction score
Venice, Florida
I am wondering if anyone has had any luck glueing polypropylene. If so, what product did you use?
are you referring to HDPE, high Density Polyethelene or do you really mean polyprpylene? Starboard is a HDPE product
Regardless, neither is easy to glue. I have seen videos of some success for starboard that uses a special adhesive and a flame treatment of the joints before glueing. I think a Ca type super glue was used.
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I have used the 2 part

Loctite Plastic Bonding System on polyethylene. It claims to work with polypropylene too.

are you referring to HDPE, high Density Polyethelene or do you really mean polyprpylene? Starboard is a HDPE product
Regardless, neither is easy to glue. I have seen videos of some success for starboard that uses a special adhesive and a flame treatment of the joints before glueing. I think a Ca type super glue was used.
Not starboard but the white/translucent polypropylene. I tried J-B Weld Plastic Bonder and no luck. I'll look into the stuff family affair recommended.
I used that stuff on a large plastic garbage bin but it didn't hold up. It originally seemed OK but under stress it failed.
I used that stuff on a large plastic garbage bin but it didn't hold up. It originally seemed OK but under stress it failed.
For the record, I made no claims to its performance, other than it did glue 2 parts together.:)