Power pole on 225 Tournament thoughts


Active Member
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Tournament 225
I am considering putting a power pole (likely a Minn Kota Raptor actually) on my 2005 225 Tournament. Anyone have this setup and have any pointers?
I will mostly use it fishing and when making short stops or when near the boat. When leaving the boat, I would still have a bow anchor out.
  • Does it hold the boat well in slight current?
  • Would prefer one, not two, to avoid being in the way of the swim later. Will one do the job?
  • Any interference with a ski line (I will use a harness, not a ski pylon, to get the line past the power pole.
Backwaters.. I have the same boat, same year. I bought a Stick-It brand anchor pin set-up for my 225. Bracket mounts on the motor/ transom bolts, and you simply push the fiberglass 8" pole through the bracket.
Holds extremely well in shallow water, even with a slight current or breeze. Have had it for 6-7 years. Very inexpensive. Certainly not as convenient as a PowerPole , but for my use it's all I need.