Price on Re-Power


Nov 9, 2006
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I'm currently considering repowering my 20'6" 1988 Overnighter. It has an old 2 stroke Mercury on it that is running decently, but it is time for a change. I'm planning on switching over to a new Yamaha 200 HPDI. Dealer (very reputable) where I live in Maryland has quoted me $15,800 fully installed. I have no idea about what is a good price. So what do you think? Is this competitive?
We repowered with the same engine in 2000, paid $14,900 with new controls and aluminum prop. I'm sure the price has gone up a few bucks since 2000, but we did not get a deal since we bought the second HPDI for repower in Jersey. They were hard to get then so dealers would not haggle at all.
Call me crazy, but I would take the Merc to Almar's in DE for a rebuild and paint job before I sunk that much coin into a new Yamaha.
That includeds new controls, key sw, elec & mech cables, instruments, oil tank, steering ram if needed, SS prop?

If so that's good.

Add either the Yami or racor fuel filter / water seperator. You may want new fuel lines also to the tank.

Make sure you do so by end of March for the 5 yr warranty included.

I don't know where you are but ask them to activate the warranty when you plan to launch, not when you sign check.
I second what bobP said, do not let them activate your warranty until the boat hits the water. We bought ours at a Fall boat show, before any HPDI's for repower even hit the states, and our warranty card was not put through until the day we picked the boat up and launched it that spring. If any dealer will not honor that, in my book he is not reputable. Our repower price was including everything except the hydraulic sea star steering, that was used from the previous motor. Depending on what you are running now, you may or may not need that switched.
I really appreciate all the info. It is extremely helpful, especially the part about warranty activation. I have considered what gw204 suggests, but the Merc on the boat is nearing 20 years old and although it runs well it is simply time to re-up for multiple reasons. Anyone have the HPDI installed on their Grady?
I repowered my 1989 22 Seafarer with an HPDI. We repowered in 2000, bought the engine at a show before any dealers in NJ even recieved them. My Dad and I are nothing but happy with the repower. Went from a 1990 225hp Evinrude to the 200 HPDI. The HPDI has more holeshot and kick to it, it also is way better on fuel. Also is a bit quieter, going from a carbed engine to the HPDI will be pleasant on the ears. I see your repowering a 20 year old engine, you will notice a good savings in fuel. If you would like any info feel free to pm me.

What HP is your Merc and what are you planning to do with it? If it's a 135 or 150 I might be interested. Let me know.

as gw204 said... go to Almars. Best of all is there is NO SALES TAX. That is a 6% savings right there. If you want a DFI, get an OptiMax. If you slow troll you will burn a lot less fuel than the HPDI due to the stratified fueling. It is the JD Powers award winner and you can use Whalertown for your service. Best service dept in MD.

Check out the deals here: ... er/127.pdf

I actually asked the guy who was giving me the price on the re-power "Wat will happen to my old motor?" He said that it was of no real use to them because of the age---even it it's running fine. If I go this route you're more than welcome to it. 175 Black Max Mercury ('89).

I only slow troll in spring during trophy season which would probably be about 6 to 8 trips so I won't buy a motor based on that. The rest of the year I'm running around light tackling around Solomon's Isl and points south. I'm just at the point where I"d rather re-power on my own terms in the off season than have the engine blow up on me in season and be out of the water for 4 to six weeks during this time. Thanx for the comments.

Repowered to a Yami 150 4 stroke on a '89 overnighter. 12G's installed.
No controls , rides 100% better than my J 200 2 strk., 1/2 the gas , you don't need a 200 HP on this boat . Good luck. Larry
You might want to look for a used HPDI. See them on here and other sites once in a while. 2 years ago I repowered with a 5 year old one with 400 hours for less than half of what you're talking about. Very happy with it, so far.