rain water on board i think!


GreatGrady Captain
Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
Townsville Australia
I live in tropical australia and my Grady 265 express is on a trailer in my front yard.We have recently had huge rainfalls ie 16 inches in 24 hours. When i got on board the boat, the movement was enough to get the forward bilge pump going and she pumped out approx 2-3 galls. My question is where would this be likely to be coming in from......anchorwell?
And if so, is the forward compartment a sealed void with a bulkhead between it and the aft compartment and therefore it's own bilgepump?

I thought the water would naturally drain to the rear of the boat and out of the bung?
I know on my Grady in those conditions I would probably get some rain water in the forward bilge also. Yes the anchor lockercould do it, or a poorly sealed deck fitting (cleat, hardtop mount, bowrail mount, etc.) could be the cause of your water.

Again on my boat (when in the water) the bottom of the hull probably sits lower at the cockpit area than the bottom of the hull at the transom. My forward bilge pump does turn on (rarely) after a heavy rainfall. When on land I intentionally raise the bow slightly to make sure any rainwater runs to the transom by gravity and exits through the transom drain. As far as I know all of the areas belowdecks connect with a drain tube (about 1" in diameter) in the lovest part of the 'V.' In other words if the boat was on land pitched properly and I intentionally filled the anchor locker with the garden hose, the water would start to run out the transom drain within a short time.

Hope this helps.
My 2002 265 has been a very dry hull, but the little water that was in it sat in the fwd part of the boat. Since your boat is on a trailer, this is even more likely to occur. I have not had any issues with drainage or anything, so I would assume a seal or gasket somehwhere is dry rotted or something. Infact, the bilge pumps barely ever ran all year, after the first 2 weeks, I actually poured water into the bilge to check that the bilge pumps worked.
There is a deck plate on the floor at the rear of your cockpit just inside the transom. Is it sealed with caulk? If it is not sealed I would bet that is where the water came from.