Real world fuel burn for a Marlin with 4 Strokes??

Gato Gordo

Active Member
Jul 30, 2005
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currently have a 248 Voyager and we're looking at moving up next season.

Since the fuel economy in this boat was no where near what we expected, we would like some feedback from REAL WORLD users.

If you own a 280 or 300 Marlin with 4 Strokes, please take a second and answer these if you don't mind.

1. Power -
2. Fast Cruise Speed -
3. Fast Cruise Burn -
4. Slow Cruise Speed (nightime, etc - Usually around 10kts.) -
5. Slow Cruise Burn
6. Do you have a tower or anything else that might skew these numbers?

Please be clear as to Statute Miles or Nautical Miles per hour.

Other comments or feedback are welcome!

THANKS VERY MUCH in advance!
I have a 2001 Marlin, but its equiped with 2 strokes, hard top, but no custim tower

I know you wanted 4 stroke respomses, but knowing that four strokes are more fuel effecient than 2 strokes, maybe this will be a little helpful!

The easiest way to answer your question would be to say that I burn approximately 1 gallon for every mph that I travel. 10 mph equals 10 mpg. Pretty constant from 5 mph to 27 mph. However, when I open it up, trim the motors etc, I can really improve my mileage: optimum rpm/speed for fuel effeciency is aprroximately 4000 rpm- equals 31-34 mph while burning 24-26 mpg (favorable conditions) Obviously wind/tide/gross load weight are big factors.

At higher speeds, 4800 rpm, the boat is cruising 36-39 mph and burning 35-39 mpg depending on winds etc. A little bit of sticker shock at first, but if u consider the speeds that this boat can go, plus the weight , its all relative.

Hope this helps a little, hopefully someone else will chime in. I'm curious myself to see the differences between the 2 strokes and the 4 strokes

Definately helps!

I was expecting LESS than that with 2 strokes. That doesn't sound bad at all.

thanks for the feedback.

Please keep it coming.
when I was looking hard for a 30ft Marlin, all of the people I talked with all told me the same thing, they burn right around 1 Gallon per Mile. Sometimes less and the best I heard from an owner was 1.2 Miles to the gallon. They take 310 gallons of gas, so your range at that fuel burn is limited. Its a big heavy boat. Nice boat but a real gas eater. I have never owned one but talked to many owners.
I think Sickday means gallons per hour instead of mpg for his fuel burn numbers. Otherwise that's really impressive!! :lol: :lol:
Marlin MPG

F225's, Marlin 30, 4 big guys, full fuel, water, ice, life raft, etc. Cruise to gulf stream at 25-27 knot cruise, troll all day, run home. Average 1.3 statute miles per gallon on nice days, 1.2 on rough days.
1. Power - F225s, 900 hours
2. Fast Cruise Speed - 27knots
3. Fast Cruise Burn - 22 - 24 gph
4. Slow Cruise Speed (nightime, etc - Usually around 10kts.) - We don't do this speed, 5knots is more typical
5. Slow Cruise Burn 2gph
6. Do you have a tower or anything else that might skew these numbers? Generator, raft, full canvas is usually up, outriggers with flags, usually full fuel, oriiginal untouched props, enough tackle and gear to outfit a cabela's store, 7years of bottom paint.

I never see less than 1.2 and can sometimes see 1.5mpg

My fuel usage now is the same as my Dolphin (Sailfish clone) was with 200 SWS 2 strokes.
fishie1 said:
1. Power - F225s, 900 hours
2. Fast Cruise Speed - 27knots
3. Fast Cruise Burn - 22 - 24 gph
4. Slow Cruise Speed (nightime, etc - Usually around 10kts.) - We don't do this speed, 5knots is more typical
5. Slow Cruise Burn 2gph
6. Do you have a tower or anything else that might skew these numbers? Generator, raft, full canvas is usually up, outriggers with flags, usually full fuel, oriiginal untouched props, enough tackle and gear to outfit a cabela's store, 7years of bottom paint.

I never see less than 1.2 and can sometimes see 1.5mpg

My fuel usage now is the same as my Dolphin (Sailfish clone) was with 200 SWS 2 strokes.
Wow great for you! Thats by far the best I have heard from a 30ft Marlin, 1.5 mpg is awesome on that boat. Do you use anything with your gas?
Strikezone said:
I think Sickday means gallons per hour instead of mpg for his fuel burn numbers. Otherwise that's really impressive!! :lol: :lol:

I stand corrected, yes, gph, sorry about that. Only in my dreams or in a sail boat are your going to get mileage like that :shock:
Basically, 1 gph for each mile per hour, except at ideal cruising speed in ideal conditions. Or less for harsher conditions. Last week I cruised 10 miles at appox 32 mph. I was burning approx 23 gph at that pace. flat calm water with a slow tide, 0 to slight head wind.

I anticipate far worse mileage in choppy seas going for tuna etc. Overall, not bad for a 12k lb boat that handles and pulls out of the hole like a ski boat! :lol:
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sickday said:
Strikezone said:
I think Sickday means gallons per hour instead of mpg for his fuel burn numbers. Otherwise that's really impressive!! :lol: :lol:

I stand corrected, yes, gph, sorry about that. Only in my dreams or in a sail boat are your going to get mileage like that :shock:
Basically, 1 gph for each mile per hour, except at ideal cruising speed in ideal conditions. Or less for harsher conditions. Last week I cruised 10 miles at appox 32 mph. I was burning approx 23 gph at that pace. flat calm water with a slow tide, 0 to slight head wind.

I anticipate far worse mileage in choppy seas going for tuna etc. Overall, not bad for a 12k lb boat that handles and pulls out of the hole like a ski boat! :lol:
what engines do you have? HPDI's or 066's?
SlimJim said:
sickday said:
Strikezone said:
I think Sickday means gallons per hour instead of mpg for his fuel burn numbers. Otherwise that's really impressive!! :lol: :lol:

I stand corrected, yes, gph, sorry about that. Only in my dreams or in a sail boat are your going to get mileage like that :shock:
Basically, 1 gph for each mile per hour, except at ideal cruising speed in ideal conditions. Or less for harsher conditions. Last week I cruised 10 miles at appox 32 mph. I was burning approx 23 gph at that pace. flat calm water with a slow tide, 0 to slight head wind.

I anticipate far worse mileage in choppy seas going for tuna etc. Overall, not bad for a 12k lb boat that handles and pulls out of the hole like a ski boat! :lol:
what engines do you have? HPDI's or 066's?

I have the efi 250 066's
1. Power - Twin 2006 F250 w/ 19" Yamaha SWS II props
2. Fast Cruise Speed - 4500rpm 29 knots
3. Fast Cruise Burn - 24 gph
4. Slow Cruise Speed (nightime, etc - Usually around 10kts.) - 3000rpm 13.7 knots
5. Slow Cruise Burn - 10.6gph
6. Do you have a tower or anything else that might skew these numbers? No tower, 4' open array, full curtains, 24' outriggers, painted bottom, etc.

I have seen slightly over 1.5 statute miles per gallon on rare occasion while cruising around 4200 rpm at approximately 26 knots. While trolling offshore for tuna I have seen over 2.0 statute miles per gallon at approximately 7 knots @1600rpm. Based on memory from eight months ago, we average about 1.3 statute mpg on a canyon trip with a loaded boat. Like all boats, as the size of the waves increase the fuel economy decreases.

Hope this helps a little.
Gato Gordo said:
currently have a 248 Voyager and we're looking at moving up next season.

Since the fuel economy in this boat was no where near what we expected, we would like some feedback from REAL WORLD users.

If you own a 280 or 300 Marlin with 4 Strokes, please take a second and answer these if you don't mind.

1. Power -
2. Fast Cruise Speed -
3. Fast Cruise Burn -
4. Slow Cruise Speed (nightime, etc - Usually around 10kts.) -
5. Slow Cruise Burn
6. Do you have a tower or anything else that might skew these numbers?

Please be clear as to Statute Miles or Nautical Miles per hour.

Other comments or feedback are welcome!

THANKS VERY MUCH in advance!

One important factor you may want to add to your questions is: Prop size.
I have a 28 Marli1990 with 2Strokes and changing to 15.25 x 17 from 19's really made a differnce.
Exactly what I was looking for!

I think the next one is gonna be a Grady....
Marlin Burn

3/4 fuel
2 to 3 passengers
full H2O + gear
RPM's 3900 to 4000
Speed 29 to 30 mph
Gals per hour +/- 19.5
MPG 1.3 to 1.5 (avg 1.4)
Did a 5 day run from New Jersey to the Chesapeake last summer and averaged 1.3 mpg