Replacing floorboards how to attach


GreatGrady Captain
May 11, 2009
Reaction score
vero beach, fl
So I am replacing the floorboards in my boat and there is so much controversy on how to attach them, some say screw them down to the stringers some say don't. What does everyone think? I am trying to figure out if I don't screw them down, how do I keep them from warping and know they are tight against the stringers. I am leaning towards screwing them down to the stringers and fiberglassing over the screws. any thoughts, thanks
When I replaced my deck, I just layed them down on wetted fiberglass that was layed on top of the stringers, then put a bunch of weight on the deck to get good contact. I didnt screw them, and it seems very solid. I wanted to get some fiberglass on the top of the stringers anyway, so this worked out OK. The original stringers were basically tabbed in, with most of the stringer being exposed wood. The foam was wet, and that took its toll on the exposed wood. I fiberglassed to the top of the stringers, then foamed, then layed the wet fiberglass on the stringers, then layed the deck.