Ride difference between a Sailfish 252 and 255


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2007
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Hello everyone. I may be buying a SeaV2 255 Sailfish (with the motors on the transom). This setup is perfect for my style of fishing (we chunk for stripers inshore and tuna offshore alot) with being able to effectively fish off the stern. My question is whether I will be giving up much in terms of ride quality compared to the full transom and motors on a bracket of the 252. Thanks in advance for your responses...

It really depends on who you talk to and where you fish/what type of conditions you will encounter. The bracket boats are known to get slightly better fuel numbers and speed numbers, but they are not really that huge of a difference. Also, find out if where you plan to dock the boat charges by the foot, or by the slip. If they charge by the foot, plan to pay for 2-3ft more, not sure if this will matter in your decision. I have a 265 express, which is comparable to what you are looking at in size and transom. I have had no issues with ride. I fish out of the Raritan Bay in NJ, but also run to the canyon for tuna. I've ran in nasty seas and never had an issue with ride. For my style of fishing, I like the transom mount better. For chunking striper's and tuna, a bracket would be somewhat in the way. I guess you really need to decide what is more important to you, and it seems that fishing off the stern is an issue.
I like the full transom on my 252. It's easier to access and route the wiring and hoses plus you get more fish box room. If you add an aftermarket bracket you get more lift and a better ride over the stock bracket. With the Grady Drive the engines are placed better but I also doubt it's really noticable. If you chunk, the engines can get in the way. It's not that bad in the daytime but at night time it can be a pain.