I know Yamaha recommends the RF all the time. But, supposing you want to do some early-season carbon cleanup? Higher concentration of RF, or go to a different formulation like Pri-G or Techron?
SlimJim said:I use Ring Free and Pri-G and its been good so far. I will use both on every tank. Also Pri-G works well with E-10
West Marine is where I buy it for 23 dollars for up to 250 gallons as thats what I have with two fuel tanks. You can buy it on line for cheaper but then you get hit with 10dollars for shiping so its more unless you buy $100 dollars or more as shipping is free. I just pick up one or two bottles of it with 6 12oz bottles of Ring Free and keep it on the boat at all times so I don't forget. You can google it as well its really good stuff.hotajax said:SlimJim said:I use Ring Free and Pri-G and its been good so far. I will use both on every tank. Also Pri-G works well with E-10
What auto / boating chains carry the Pri-G?
I hear that combo works good as well. BTW, You have my dream boat.capeboter said:I use Ring Free and Startron in each fill up. No problems, no carbon buildup.
capeboter said:I use Ring Free and Startron in each fill up. No problems, no carbon buildup.
capeboter said:I use Ring Free and Startron in each fill up. No problems, no carbon buildup.
GT said:I use both. Ringfree makes sense to me, butI I always laugh at myself while pouring in the startron.
One thing I do is buy the diesel version - its cheaper, hass the same chemical composition, only its more concentrated. End up paying less for the same amount of fuel treated. (all verified with startron customer service).
capt chris said:To answer your original question about Ring Free, it says on the bottle to shock an older engine use 2 oz per 10 gallons of gas, for everyday use add 1 oz per 10 gallons of gas.