rodholders off the hardtop supports?


GreatGrady Captain
Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
Townsville Australia
Just wondering where i can source 4 rodholders for the hardtop uprights on my 265? I would prefer the welded on variety as opposed to the bolt on numbers.
Billfish have started to turn up here guys reporting bait schools as big as football fields. Now if i can just get the weather to syncronise with my son's days off ,the lunar cycles and the long weekend.
Going to fishing club meeting tonight hopefully will be more informed at the end.
Regards top you all from OZ
Lee makes some nice aluminum bolt-on models. There are others available too but the Lee's seem to match the rocket launcher well. If you weld on the h/t leg you have to worry about any internal wiring that may be in the tube. Much easier to go with bolt-ons IMO.

I really like the bolt on Lee's.....
I spent alot of time looking at welded and bolt on, imo these are the best!
Contact these guys, they fab the hardtops for GW. They sent me (4) for my previous 282 with the mounting tabs installed. I just had them welded to my hardtop frame.
Hayden, the weld-ons are the way to go. Second choice is the Lee blot on's. Good luck out there, let us know how ya do.
Cheers Mate.
G'day Mate , yes i prefer the weld On's and i have 2 guys here that are really good at welding that stuff. Just thought I could save them some time by buying the item there first.
Unfortunately my luck with the weather gods has not improved and we are in the middle of a long weekend , I was all set to have 2 days fishing the Bowling Green bait fish schools and it's blowing 20-30 knots. As those grounds are completey unprotected i thought i would save some gas and my back.
How's that electronics suite coming along? i have my 585 fitted and hooked up to the 1 kw tranni but have yet to check out the pictures.This is the worst year weatherwise i can remember. But i will be patient and wait for fuel prices to come down in the meanwhile.....NOT!
I hear ya on the fuel Mate. I am being stubbornly patient on the electronics. I have a Lowrance LCX19 setup for now. I have decided on the new tilted 50/200 Khz ducers from Airmar and I'll match them to the Furuno 3D set. The first setup is going to be the autopilot, that get installed next month. By then I hope to have the rest of the set, and It should go in later in the summer. We're a bit behind schedule, but we're going to wait until we can get exactly what we want without compromising.
Let ma know how some of that tackle runs for ya. Friday the only slam we had came on the sport dredge running at 40 feet, but it didn't come tight. It was the only action we saw all day.