rotted glass, thought I was out of the woods


GreatGrady Captain
Dec 29, 2008
Reaction score
Long Beach Island, NJ
Well I got a gelcoat repair kit and spent the day yesterday repairing chips, ect. Then I noticed something, I have a 2-3 in rott mark right under the rub rail where the boat connects upper and lower and behind the rub rail. it is right under the lip on the bottom but not extending down the hull yet. it is soft enought to put my finger through it. What are my options, I am not good at glass repair and the location of the damage is right around the seam. it is well above the water line but know it will get worse, Is this a show stopper for my season ? and, What should I expect to pay to get this fixed and does anyone know of any good repair shop in the LBI area they could recommend.
Any pictures?

Tough to tell by just words, but it dosent sound like a difficult fix.

Are you sure its rot? Sounds like maybe an area that may have taken a hit at one time and

never repaired. Im no expert, but fiberglass dosent usually just "rot".

Throw some pics up, and being a 2-3inch spot, Im sure some of the better

glass guys on the site can walk you through.

Take a look at some of gw204's posts, he has some good pictourials, as well as NA2P.
Thanks, took it ot the marina in my area ,It only needed some gel coat, I was affraid it was worse that it looked. turned out to be just a big chip of gelcoat that was probably missing for a few years, cleaned it up and sealed with getcoat. Should hold up.
Thanks, for the reply.
Would love to see pictures, sounds worse then just gelcoat, did the area look the same color and texture as the rest of the hull, unless the gelcoat bubbled and had water/air under it you would be left with bare fiberglass and would notice that right away. If it was brittle enough to put a finger through, new gelcoat is not a fix at all. As mentioned above, repairs are not too difficult a job. Would love to see pictures to make sure the yard did not give you bad advice or fix it incorrectly, this would surely put an end to your season if it fiberglass damage, you would significantly be sacrificing the safety and strength of the hull and deck joint as well as that part of the boats structure.

Gordon's Marine Service
Tuckerton, NJ is one guy who specializes in fiberglass repair in your area.

It is possible the gelcoat delaminated from the fiberglass, but typically that does not happen on Grady's unless something else occurs, but anything is possible. Pictures would be best to determine the dianosis from the yard you went to is valid.
Will do, My digital cam is busted and just orderd a new one. They put some getcoat on it and told me it would be fine. They also indicated that the port side may have took a slight hit judging by the spider ckacks above the same area.