Sailfish 272 Outboards


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Mar 25, 2021
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Hey All,

Just purchased my first Grady White Sailfish 272 and ordered some new outboards for it. Unfortunately i didn't do my research well and only found out later that the outboards that i ordered (and are in the container already) are DF200 V4 and not V6. Brand new, new technology and all but i'm worried they won't get it up and going. I couldn't find 225 as dealers don't have them in stock any more, at least suzuki doesn't. I've ordered them in from overseas so there is no local dealer where i am, So a swap or return isn't possible.
Anyone with prior experience in this department. Should I be worried? The boats rated at 450 so i could go with 250's in the first place.
I'm mainly going to use for inshore fishing and diving (10-20 miles). With the occasional deep sea trip around 80 miles out.

Really appreciate any input on this.


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I think you'll be fine with the power aspect. No speed demon, but sufficient. The 272/282 came with option 200 hpdi outboards and I'm pretty sure the new zukes produce more torque than them. .
I had twin 200's on my 272 it ran great. Like above no speed demon but plenty of power.
Thanks for the update guys, really appreciate it.
It will work better than you expect. I have twin 4 cylinder 150 hp yamahas on my islander. It’s 26’11” long with a 8’6” beam. I can get up to 41-45 and cruise easily at 27-30. These 4 cylinders have a lot of grunt. Prop it well and it will work.
It will work better than you expect. I have twin 4 cylinder 150 hp yamahas on my islander. It’s 26’11” long with a 8’6” beam. I can get up to 41-45 and cruise easily at 27-30. These 4 cylinders have a lot of grunt. Prop it well and it will work.
You should be fine.
I also have an islander 268.
It has twin 200 etecs. And has too much power if there is such a thing
i believe there were 200 hpdi's on the 28' sailfish. with that being said i have a 265 express w the twin suzuki 200 4 cyl. which im very content with .our boats are comparable in weight you should be fine
as previously said, it wont be a speed demon and just get the correct prop on there. congratulations & good luck !
Thanks again guys, really appreciate the input.
Can't wait for the engines to get here so I can go out.
Like Tilewave, I have DF200APs on my 265 express. We got our motors at the same time. Love them. Coming from 225 ox66s.(don't miss them at all)

They swing big props. We found 4 blade props worked best (15.25" x22) for heavy boat in seas and current.

Don't settle on the first props without really testing them in real conditions.

It maxes out just over 40 mph. 40 is too fast for my liking anyways. I get 1.6 mpg cruising at 30-33 mph.

I have 150 hrs in first season

Suzuki V6 225s are only in mechanical controls. They don't make V6 200s anymore.
I bought 2 stainless props, 18.5" diameter with a 16 pitch. That was recommended by the dealer as well.

I will definitely update you guys when its up and running, ill try to upload some pics and vids as well with some performance details.
I'm thinking it will be more than ok. Save some weight and be ok as far as HP. I had a 282 with twin F225s and it was more than adequate.
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I bought 2 stainless props, 18.5" diameter with a 16 pitch. That was recommended by the dealer as well.

I will definitely update you guys when its up and running, ill try to upload some pics and vids as well with some performance details.
they always start with 3 x 16 x 18.5