I have a 272 and due to the shape of fairbody line (keel line) of the hull, water will settle in the forward bilge first. The hulls on our boats are the same, but the weight distribution between the two boats may be a bit different.
On the 272 this area is approx. between the aft end of the V-Berth and just forward of the aft berth. It annoys the heck out of me. I use a hand pump to get it out through the inspection hatch that is located in the deck. The hatch is pretty much even with the head entrance. It's not enough water for the pump to suck out, but believe it or not it amounts to approx. 3-4 gallons.
It is always good practice to make sure that nothing is leaking, but by the sound of it, and my experience, it is probably residual rain water getting in. The anchor locker is the culprit on my boat.