SailFish 282


Jan 12, 2025
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planing to look at a pair of 282's , 2003 and 2005. I know the 05 is an update year as the aft seat is now a drop down instead of a molded bench seat. and the fish box is right behind it . all good ideas overall ! however my Question is what changes were made in the cabin ( if any) for convenience or more room ? From pictures i can tell the sink area is a Corian countertop and looks modern on the 05. Stainless steel sink instead of all white plastic material on the 03. Are there any other changes to consider , everything in the head the same ? Bunk sizes the same ?( foward and aft) Both boats coming out of storage soon to see in person. any input appreciated , thanks.
If your plan is to use this as a fishing boat then hands down it is the 2005. Whatever small changes were made down below will not override the fish box in the transom. Otherwise, you got a very large cooler in the middle of the cockpit.
I'm admittedly no expert here on the comparison of the two models or anything, that being said... I would agree with the 2005 style being the one that I would want to go with over the 2003 for several different reasons. First and as mentioned, the 2005 has the fold down rear seat that is much more practical imo than the 2003 with the molded in rear seat. The molded in rear seat on the 2003 takes up a bunch of space that could be used as a cooler and/or to where you can put the fish that you catch. I have briefly considered upgrading from a 228 Seafarer to a 232 Gulfstream, but if I were, it would be a 2006 and newer style that's similar to the 2005+ 282 Sailfish style. As the 2005 and previous 232 Gulfstream's have a molded in rear seat and imo is just simply a waste of space. In regard to the cabin on the boats in question, the biggest difference that I can see would be the things you mentioned about the countertops, etc... but on top of that, the 2005+ models seem to have a much bigger bathroom. Or at least that's what the pictures make it seem like, compared to the 2003 where it looks considerably smaller. If it's going to be a family boat, I'm sure the females in the family would very much like the larger size of bathroom compared to a smaller one. If all things are equal, or close to them in terms of pricing, I'd definitely go with the newer version as compared to the older one. Again, I have no real world experience with either model, just going off the pictures like you are. Good luck either way and happy hunting.
I'm admittedly no expert here on the comparison of the two models or anything, that being said... I would agree with the 2005 style being the one that I would want to go with over the 2003 for several different reasons. First and as mentioned, the 2005 has the fold down rear seat that is much more practical imo than the 2003 with the molded in rear seat. The molded in rear seat on the 2003 takes up a bunch of space that could be used as a cooler and/or to where you can put the fish that you catch. I have briefly considered upgrading from a 228 Seafarer to a 232 Gulfstream, but if I were, it would be a 2006 and newer style that's similar to the 2005+ 282 Sailfish style. As the 2005 and previous 232 Gulfstream's have a molded in rear seat and imo is just simply a waste of space. In regard to the cabin on the boats in question, the biggest difference that I can see would be the things you mentioned about the countertops, etc... but on top of that, the 2005+ models seem to have a much bigger bathroom. Or at least that's what the pictures make it seem like, compared to the 2003 where it looks considerably smaller. If it's going to be a family boat, I'm sure the females in the family would very much like the larger size of bathroom compared to a smaller one. If all things are equal, or close to them in terms of pricing, I'd definitely go with the newer version as compared to the older one. Again, I have no real world experience with either model, just going off the pictures like you are. Good luck either way and happy hunting.
Thanks, all makes sence. the 03 is repowered with late model 250 Yamaha's thats why i'm comparing both. I like the updates on the 05 much better, however the 05 has original 225's with 400 hr's Claiming perfect exhaust tubes. Would need to see printout of scope results. Been down THAT road before ! Thanks for your input .
If your plan is to use this as a fishing boat then hands down it is the 2005. Whatever small changes were made down below will not override the fish box in the transom. Otherwise, you got a very large cooler in the middle of the cockpit.
Indeed ! you are correct about that .
Thanks, all makes sence. the 03 is repowered with late model 250 Yamaha's thats why i'm comparing both. I like the updates on the 05 much better, however the 05 has original 225's with 400 hr's Claiming perfect exhaust tubes. Would need to see printout of scope results. Been down THAT road before ! Thanks for your input .

Imo... if the outboards on the 2005 have had the exhausts inspected, and even if you wanted to look at them yourself, as well as the price of the vessel reflects the older/original vintage of outboards... I don't see any issue going that route. If the price of the 2005 is similar to the price of the 2003 with the more recent repower, then perhaps the 2003 or another vessel should be considered instead. Again, just my opinions on the matter.
Imo... if the outboards on the 2005 have had the exhausts inspected, and even if you wanted to look at them yourself, as well as the price of the vessel reflects the older/original vintage of outboards... I don't see any issue going that route. If the price of the 2005 is similar to the price of the 2003 with the more recent repower, then perhaps the 2003 or another vessel should be considered instead. Again, just my opinions on the matter.
the 03 is at least 15 grand more . new motors are the draw there. I want to see 05 in person and ask a million questions first. thanks again !
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I would go with the 2005 with the 225's at the cheaper price and the reconfigured cockpit with fishbox,,, then repower yourself at a later date. You have some trade equity in the 225's. Also the 2003 HP rating is 500 HP,,, twin 250's. The 2005 HP rating is 600 HP,,, twin 300's,,, which would be one sweet package.
I would go with the 2005 with the 225's at the cheaper price and the reconfigured cockpit with fishbox,,, then repower yourself at a later date. You have some trade equity in the 225's. Also the 2003 HP rating is 500 HP,,, twin 250's. The 2005 HP rating is 600 HP,,, twin 300's,,, which would be one sweet package.
good advise, thanks.
same hull minor differences. the WAs were being defocused as the DCs got the attention (and for good reason - they sold well). The differences are really minor except for what you indicated. get the best boat/deal and have fun,
same hull minor differences. the WAs were being defocused as the DCs got the attention (and for good reason - they sold well). The differences are really minor except for what you indicated. get the best boat/deal and have fun,
I had an '06 282 for about 10 years with T225s. Fantastic boat. I completely agree with the comments about the aft fold down seat and transom fish box. Makes a bigger difference than one would think. One thing to check for, that I ran into, is the headliner in the cabin would crack when stored for the winter. I am in the Boston area and we shrink wrap our boats (often) for winter storage. GW used an adhesive on that model -- was definitely '06, not sure about '05 -- that would not expand/contract with large rapid temp swings. Up here its not uncommon for the temp under the shrink wrap to go up due to bright direct sunlight, and then drop rapidly at sunset. I had substantial cracks 3 years in a row. The only solution was indoor storage (not heated) where temp fluctuations were minimal.