Seen on the road, '92 Sailfish

Recoil Rob

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Reaction score
CT Coast
I have no interest or any more info, just posting as a PSA if someone might be interested. Seen on Rte. 123 in Vista, NY, about 10 min. north of Norwalk, CT.
It's at Pound Ridge Garden and Stone, 914.533.0277
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I actually passed that boat last week and was going to post the pic. You saved me the trouble.
I wonder how much?
I live down the road, I called the owner. Asking is $35K. The boat has been in the family since new, originally down in the Hamptons, current owner bought it from his BIL and did the repower, only 30 hours on motors.

Nice guy, happy to hear it's posted here.
The boat is on Route 123 on the southbound side. I used to live in South Salem and travel that way frequently.
Seems like a great deal.
Is the owners first name Chris?
I think so.

I'm in Vista, you still close by?
This is still there if interested...been out all winter though.
I was going to say... I think he's a bit high at $35k. Might even still be a bit high dropping it down to $25k. I checked BT,, Yacht World and Craigslist and I don't see the boat on any of those sites. I imagine he's going to be hard pressed to sell the boat just by people driving by his property, and would think he should put it for sale online so he could get a few more viewers. Just my opinion of course, good luck with the sale, especially if it's a forum member.
Nope, just on the side of the road although the road leads right down to the Norwalk harbor. Not a member, doesn't seem that interested in promoting it.
Funny, I just passed it about an hour ago on my way home.
I bet it would be open to just about any 5 figure offer.
It's old but a decent project boat. And it's a Grady.
Did Sailfish have motor brackets from the factory?

If so do they eliminate transom/bangplate problems?
I have that same boat year and model. It is a full transom with the Springfield bracket bolted on. Safest setup and lots of room in the cockpit! I love this model and it is worth someone grabbing and restoring.
A bit confused on the motor comments. What year and what size is of great curiosity here. I see they are 4 strokes. If the newer 200 Yamaha 4's, they are ok, but not as strong as the former 2 strokes. If the older 200 4 strokes, they might be a bit too heavy in the aft would be a concern. I assume based on the price, they are not newer motors and with only 30 hours, it does not make any sense why not used more over the years unless something might have been wrong with the new motor weight?
The sign states the engines are from 2012. It was repowered and then the owners situation changed, just wasn't used. That what I was told.