
Active Member
Mar 16, 2007
Reaction score
Key West, FL

We have kept our 305 Express at the marina in our neighborhood now for well over a year and always keep the shore power on to chill beverages, run a dehumidifier, etc. We were out of the country for a 10 day stretch and on our return the shore power switch on the panel in the cabin was switched to the off position. Any idea what would cause this??

Thanks in advance for the help!
Did you ask the dockmaster if there were any serious storms while you were gone? An overamperage occurance would have tripped your breaker. Yes, I know the main breaker feeding your inlet should have caught it, but you never know.

Power the boat back up, turn on your appliances one by one, but don't overload your 30A service rating, and see what happens. Turn on the A/C, then wait a couple of minutes, and turn on the stove or water heater. In other words, rule out the boat. Unless, of course, someone came aboard in your absence and thought they were doing you a favor...
Thanks for the help! From talking to our neighbors we had some very severe weather while we were gone. All systems are operating and we're headed offshore tomorrow for an overnighter of fishing and diving!!
Have a great weekend! Glad the boat is operating as designed. The breaker apparently did it's job.