Shore Power


Active Member
Nov 7, 2007
Reaction score
Nova Scotia Canada
A quick question before I have someone look at my boat. I have a new 336 Grady and recently plugged the shore power into 220 volt socket (by mistake). It of coarse blew something and I can't get the shore power up with the 110 volt (proper plug in) cord now? The Battery works everything, and so does the generator. Is there some breakers on the boat that I can replace so that the proper plug in will work again? ... or is this more complicated and I'll have to get into replacing wires? Any insight would be appreciated... thanks

How did you cross 120 with 240? THe plugs are different.

At any rate, there should be an additional breaker near the shore power outlet - generally under the gunnel. You'll have to stand on your head to look for it.
Take it back to the dealer and say something happened and it doesn't work, let them keep a satisfied customer and take care of it. Owners make mistakes. It happens
Thanks gerrys... that breaker was in fact there, I reset it and I'm good to go! To answer your question on how we got plugged into to the higher voltage is... One of my buddies that I had with me plugged in one end while I did the other, he must of forced it in not knowing the it should slide in easy before turning to lock.
Anyway, Grady had it covered with another breaker near the shore power plug in. thanks again.
I had to look it up, but surprisingly a NEMA L5-30R (125V, 2P, 3W) and a L6-30R (250V, 2P, 3W) are the same except one uses two hot legs other uses one hot and a neutral. jh
Try this.... Get on your knees and look under the gunnel on the starboard side as far back aft as you can. There should be a breaker there. Check it to see if it tripped. If so, just reset it. It would sure beat a service call!
Thanks Guys... I found it and hit reset, good as new. It is nice to know it's there, although I won't be plugging into 240 volt again!
My Father has a 560 Sea Ray beside my Grady and he takes the 240 volt plug (that's where it happened)... it's not marked, but I think I'll mark it for future reference... thanks again (saved me a service call).