Strange Trim Tab Issue - 2000 228 Seafarer


Jan 5, 2023
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Hey folks,

I have a strange issue going on with my 2000 228 Seafarer's trim tabs. If I hit the port or starboard tab individualli they work fine. If I hit BOTH tabs simultaneously up or down, I blow the 20AMP fuse in the block under the helm. Anyone have experience with this? Should I be using a higher amperage fuse?

Any feedback is appreciated.
Hey folks,

I have a strange issue going on with my 2000 228 Seafarer's trim tabs. If I hit the port or starboard tab individualli they work fine. If I hit BOTH tabs simultaneously up or down, I blow the 20AMP fuse in the block under the helm. Anyone have experience with this? Should I be using a higher amperage fuse?

Any feedback is appreciated.
Not if the fuse worked before. It sounds like you may have tab pump going bad. Putting in a larger fuse than specified is asking for trouble in a big way.

It is possible that there is a bad connection that is causing a larger than normal voltage drop and on mechanical loads like the pump, lower voltage will cause higher currents for a given load. Check all the connections and if available, try a different fuse slot on your buss, Grounds need checking also.
Although it probably wont help, you can try draining, checking for gunk, and refilling the pump.

Does the fuse blow immediately when you press both or does it take some time? If immediate I might suspect a goofy helm switch but I can't say I have seen that mode of failure.
Are you saying that you are pushing UP on one button and DOWN on the other button at the SAME time?

Or are you saying you are pushing BOTH UP or BOTH DOWN?

If it's the former, it's user error. Don't don't that. Blowing the fuse is exactly what will happen (if there isn't a built-in protection). You're trying to make the pump run in two directions at the same time and it doesn't know what to do.

If it's the latter... gotta think about that for a bit. But try this... with the tabs retracted, go ahead and manually push them down. Compare and contrast. Do they move smoothly?

NO, DO NOT put a larger fuse in - you may start a fire.
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Are you saying that you are pushing UP on one button and DOWN on the other button at the SAME time?

Or are you saying you are pushing BOTH UP or BOTH DOWN?

If it's the former, it's user error. Don't don't that. Blowing the fuse is exactly what will happen (if there isn't a built-in protection). You're trying to make the pump run in two directions at the same time and it doesn't know what to do.

If it's the latter... gotta think about that for a bit. But try this... with the tabs retracted, go ahead and manually push them down. Compare and contrast. Do they move smoothly?

NO, DO NOT put a larger fuse in - you may start a fire.

Sorry I wasn't clear about this. If I hit both UP or both DOWN, the fuse blows.

Next time I'm at the beach I will manually inspect the tabs. Thanks for the idea.

The only reason I suggested putting a larger fuse in, I was wondering what the default amperage was supposed to be for the tabs. I'm not the first owner of this boat, I don't know if it has the proper fuse in it.

Edit: looking at this post, it appears 20amp is correct:
I don't see the difference in load in both cases. Pushing one side up and the other down should draw as much current as pushing both up or down. (almost as much since moving a tabs up will draw less current than moving it down when the boat is at rest.)
The issue is not the difference in load if you push one up and one down. The pump isn't "smart" enough to know whether to send pressure to the tab and which one, or release pressure from the tab (or which one.) So - it shuts popping the fuse.

I wonder if your switch is going. I had that happen on mine. Replacing the switch cured the issue.
You should test the unit by bypassing the switch. If the switch is bad. The test is easy if it is a simple switch. Don't assume the pump is bad yet. That could end up being an expensive guess

I also asked if the fuse takes a bit to pop or pos instantly when bothe buttons are pressed up or down. That is important info
I don't see the difference in load in both cases. Pushing one side up and the other down should draw as much current as pushing both up or down. (almost as much since moving a tabs up will draw less current than moving it down when the boat is at rest.)
Yeah, it's simply a matter of trying to ask the pump to do two things at once. The pump can't run fwd and rev at the same time so it yells at you :)
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Jonathan, thanks for the further clarification. You should DEFINITELY be able to run both tabs up or both tabs down. I think what's happening is that becasuse of the higher load being demanded on it (which SHOULD be fine under normal circumstances) to push both tabs that it's exceeding the amp draw. Well, I suppose that part is obvious :)

The question, or course, is "why". You could have old/dirty/partially broken electrical connections. Or, as I sort of elluded to above, a problem with one or both of the hydraulic rams where they are not moving as easily as they should. You could also compare manually pushing your tabs down to someone else's.
Search YouTube for “Bennett marine trim tabs”, and look for the guy in the gray shirt. The guy in the gray shirt is the late Tom McGow, AKA Tabman. Spend an hour watching his videos, and you will know how to troubleshoot just about any problem with your Bennett hydraulic tab system.