Tax advantages of Coast Guard Aux

1st grady

GreatGrady Captain
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
I noticed the photo on the opening page and often wondered about the tax benefits of volunteering with the coast guard auxiliary. Would your slip rental fee partly deductible? If so then insurance, travel to and from, maintenance expenses, fuel etc. would be as well. Does anybody on the board do this? What are the negatives with CG Aux?
While on patrol you get to hang a banner off your boat..
I know they cover your fuel, not sure about much more.
There seems to be two types of guys that join the Aux where I fish in NJ,
1) Laid back guys who just cruise around and only help guys out who really need it and are very friendly. At marinas they usually ask if you would like a saftey check, if not they leave you alone.

2) Super annoying guys who tell you ships are coming to clear the channels when no ship is in sight....and 4 hours later no ship has come yet. These guys often stalk you at your marinas to get your boats safety checked, and will follow your every foot step until you let them aboard.

I'm not trying to bash any members who volunteer, and I';m not sure fi they are like this all over the country, but I know there are a number around me who are a little unrealistic. To all those who are friendly and just out to help out, we thank you!!