Thinking about a 330 express any info


New Member
Jan 20, 2008
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My wife and I have been looking for a boat we both agree on. I like to go off shore and she wants to have a cabin. The search has been a challenge at times, but we love the 330 Express. We have found a 2003 w/225 Yams on it. I would love to hear from Grady owners what they think of this boat.
My wife and I had similar requirements when we purchased our 330 in September. Have been very happy with her so far as it seems to be a perfect fit for our needs. I am sure you have seen there's a lot of information on this site and others and a variety of opinions on the boat (and GWs in general) - my reco would be to take them all with a grain of salt and take the boat out for a sea trail and draw your own conclusions.

Do you have any specific questions? Which other boats are you considering?
Only complaint with that hull is with the 225's-- some claim that it is a bit underpowered-- Otherwise a very very solid boat--
We love ours for the same reason you want one! Wife loves the cabin I love to fish! We travel on it all over. I don't know about the 225's..I have the new 350's.. 225's may be a little underpowered.
I have a 330 too. Mine has the 250s. I have not heard any complaint about the 250s or 225s. My wife and absolutely love the boat. Is is perfect for fishing the bay and ocean and has all the amenities for cruising. We have spent the week on it with no problems.

When you buy the boat (take a ride and you will buy it) you'll have to join the Chesapeake Bay Grady White Club and join us for all the events. Especially the one in Solomons in Aug.

Good Luck.

I bought an '04 330 Express last April and couldn't be happier! The story behind the purchase has to do with my wife changing her mind about cruising. Originally had a Tiara, changed to a catamaran when she said go ahead and get a fishing only boat and then bought the Grady when she decided she liked cruising after all. Have not found the 225s to be any problem. Don't know if the extra 50hp for 250s would do anything other than reduce mileage.
We do have a gas generator that's been a bit of a problem. Unless you run it regularly, the seals will probably dry, crack and invite salt water in. It's also not real accessible for home maintenance.
Other than that, it's been terriffic.
Before purchase, I had the marina upgrade the overhead hatches in the cabin to the newer ones with sliding privacy curtain and screen as well as redo the arms on the captains chair.
I've also moved the freshwater hose from outside of the transom door to under the gunwale with a faucet connection. I tend to use fresh water for wash down even while fishing.
Also have a bimini that extends from the rocket launcher to the rear transom. folks told me it would get in the way of fishing but that hasn't turned out to be so.
You're looking at a great boat...if the price is right!
Trooper, welcome.I too have a 2007 330 with 250's.I'm very happy with the boat, wife and kids too.The boat is everything i wanted(no boat is perfect).I'm very pleased with handling speed and takes any kind a sea.
Try to test drive one and make sure you take your checkbook with you.
Good luck.
I had the boat with 225's (2003)and as I've said before numerous times on this forum.....Performance is nearly identical to the boat with 250's (I fish off one like that all the time now as my buddy has one). Cruise is virtually identical with slightly higher fuel burn, time to plane is slightly slower...But really it's negligible...Top end on the 250's is definitely higher....But, how much will you be running a 33 express at top end?......If you find a good boat with 225's you will be very happy unless you're looking to compete in SKA type tournaments or like to go fast all the time....If that's the case...Get the 350's as the boat is truly a rocket with those.....
Thinking about the 330

I just traded in the 2006 330, with twin 250's. I found it to be exactly what was advertised, and excellent 33' outboard sportfisher, with very good speed capabilities in decent conditions. i used it exclusively for canyon fishing and it performed very well, and was spacious, and could accomodate 5-6 fisherman trolling and 4-5 baitfishing, or chunking. only real issues i ever had were with the generator from start to finish.
we're looking at a 33 also. just an fyi. hulls older than the 2008 model are NOT certified by grady for the f350's. that was a communication i received directly from grady. give them a call if your intention was to go preowned and repower in the future, you need detailed facts. my guys also indicated that no reputable yamaha dealer will do an install (i trust them but you can do your own research).

as far as the genset, grady told me the gas sets were pretty much of a flop. way too many service issues (as noted above).

good luck, ron
Ron is correct. The layup schedule for F350 boats is different that for the 250 and smaller boats. If you try to repower a non-F350 boat with F350's it will void the hull warranty.
Thinking about the 330

the generator didn't work on delivery, conked out in the canyon twice, was worked on consistently for the 2 seasons i had the vessel (2006 330). also the bow thruster went out more than i would have expected, at leat 3 times.
Eberen, I met you at Oaklands when you had the 330 with the tower, did you have the diesel generator or gas.
Thinking about the 330

Never had confidence in it from delivery, when it failed (july '06),
failed thereafter 3 times. also bowthruster was not a winner for me.
Jim73Lions said:
Also have a bimini that extends from the rocket launcher to the rear transom. folks told me it would get in the way of fishing but that hasn't turned out to be so.

Here's our aft Bimini that retracts for fishing. This is our second Grady with one and we'll never have another boat without one!


My buddies LOVE the shade running back and forth to the Bahamas.
