trailer repairs

Grady 228

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
North Shore
I kept my 2002 magic tandem trailer for my new 228 seafarer. I'm thinkig of replacing the hubs due to rust and while I'm at it should probably replace the springs.
Has anyone done this before ?? What am I looking at for cost and my labor time.
Hubs will be around $50 each (including bearings and such) and springs should run around $30 I think. Assuming the boat is off the trailer, you're probably looking at a couple hours, max (assuming nothing is so rusted you can't get it off).
I did this last summer and its not difficult. We looked locally for prices and everyone wanted outrages prices just for springs.

We found an website online that had great prices on springs. If I find that site I will post it for you...

The install only took a few hours and all parts were under $200.00

Now I need to redo the breaks... :(
If you can't find a place locally, seems to have very competitive prices.