Trim and tilt problem?


GreatGrady Captain
Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
Townsville Australia
My dual 200 hpdi's will trim and tilt from their individual controls on the helm but only one will from the single throttle control.
Does this sound like a loose connection and if so where do I start to look?
Thanks for any advice.
Yes i have Yammie controls and they have been working fine so that's why I'm wondering about a loose wire and if so were do I start to look? Thanks
if u use the one on the throttle stick it should do both
if only one works u need to get in there and look
I have the same problem on my twin 150 hpdi's. Trim from the individual controls always works, the trim from the throttle only works on the starboard engine when not under power. While I am running the switch works fine on both. Haven't been able to figure it out yet.
I have the same boat and engines. Last year I had exactly the same problem. Take the cover off and take apart the shifter where the tilt/trim button is. Inside you will see a metal contact that needs to be cleaned up or replaced. I just took some fine grit sandpaper to it and cleaned it up. When I put it back together I applied a little dielectric greese to the contact and it's been good ever since. I hope this info helps.