Trim Gauge Not working-- Yamaha 225


GreatGrady Captain
May 21, 2008
Reaction score
Tilghman, Md
My trim gauge is not regestering on my Yamaha 225.. My old merc I/o
had a rotating input on the outdrive that often needed adjustment..
How do I troubleshoot this on the Yamaha ??
Most likely the fuse panel has corroded and needs replacement. As a stop gap you can pull the fuses and lightly sandpaper the fuse clips as well as the metal ends of the fuses. Put the fuses back in and if the tab indicator is still not working rotate the fuses in the clip holders to get purchase on metal to metal. Be sure to check the fuses while out as see if any are burned out.
There are other possible problems but this is the most common.
Like a lot of other outboards, the Yamaha has a black plastic lever, (trim sending unit) burried up under the motor bracket, behind the tilt tube. The lever contacts a plastic tab, on an adjustable ring which is attached to the tilt tube. And, like a lot of other outboards, it gets jammed because of corrosion. In a lot of cases, the unit will be jammed in the "full up" position showing no bars on the gauge.
Sometimes, you can get away with spraying the unit where it is, and working the lever back and forth, but if possible, it's best to remove the sending unit, to free it up, especially if it's badly frozen, because you can end up stripping the square socket in the plastic lever.
Depending on the year/model you might be able to get at the 2 mounting screws with a long phillips screw driver, (just above, and behind the tilt tube) from the front of the engine. Once you have it off, remove the lever, (small phillips head screw) spray some lubricant, (wd-40) and rotate the sending mechanism back and forth using pliers. Apply some grease, re-attach the lever and re-install the unit.
Replacement sending units are around $70 to $80!
striped bass said:
Most likely the fuse panel has corroded and needs replacement. As a stop gap you can pull the fuses and lightly sandpaper the fuse clips as well as the metal ends of the fuses. Put the fuses back in and if the tab indicator is still not working rotate the fuses in the clip holders to get purchase on metal to metal. Be sure to check the fuses while out as see if any are burned out.
There are other possible problems but this is the most common.

Where is that particular fuse located ??
The fuse panel is located under the helm against the rear facing fiberglass side of the console. The number of fuses may differ depending upon the year of your Tournament 225 so the actual fuse location may vary. Generally there are six fuses on the bottom row of the panel (three more auxiliary unused fuse clips on top). It is likely to be one of the first three counting from the starboard side inward. If this doesn't do the trick you may have a wiring problem or a trim sending unit issue as described by rorkin. One way to cut down on your detective work is to check if your trim tabs are working despite the incorrect reading on the indicator. If the trim tabs are functioning correctly, the problem is probably the trim sending unit or a wiring issue.
Catch22 got it right. Consider not replacing it and relying on ride and rpm's to help you trim out. Those senders are notorious for failing unless they're sprayed with water, then lubricant on every trip - then they still fail. :mrgreen:
BTW, many other boating web sites have lengthy comments on failed trim sending units. Gerrys may haved it right - the unit fails so frequently just use the ride and rpm's to set the trim.
Sounds like some of us are hearing two different questions. I think we are talking engine trim indicator from the original post. One answer appears to be a solution for trim tabs and not engine trim. If you think you need to clarify, please do. Thanks.