Under paint corrosion on Canyon 336 T-top.


Aug 30, 2022
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Canyon 376
Looking for the best method and product to clean and re paint the corrosion areas on 12 Canyon 336 alum. t-top. thks
I refinished my aluminum tower, rocket launchers and enclosure track a few years ago. Really came out great and has been wearing well. Aluminum was blasted by a local guy. Sprayed Awlgrip Aluminum etch primer (yellow) ASAP to seal aluminum. 2 coats of Awlgrip Epoxy Primer (white) and 3 coats of Awlcraft 2000 topcoat (Brightside off-white revisited).

I have never painted before and had to do all my work outside. Only difficult thing was condensation overnight left everything wet. Has to dry off before next step.

Fresh topside.jpeg side.jpeg top.jpeg

Look at post#43

Refinishing aluminum is not an option. People told me to build a new tower! Power coating is not a "forever" finish. It doesn't really stick to the aluminum - it's like shrink wrap. Painting is a more permeate solution but labor intensive and expensive unless you DIY.
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Looking for the best method and product to clean and re paint the corrosion areas on 12 Canyon 336 alum. t-top. thks
Is your structure silver anodized aluminum or painted?
Can you show some photos from the corrosion the material and grade of corrosion will show what's best to do.
If the structure is anodized and show darker dull spots then you have only a few options
a) leave it as it is, wash it frequently and use Alumagard or similar products to protect it better, that is what i do
b) disassemble the t-top and have it sand-blasted and then immediately painted by a pro as Hookup1 suggested
c) have it sprayed with a bed liner, rhino linings or X-Line, there is one in Sarasota doing that
Painting aluminum is not that simple as it will start to oxidize immediately after sanding/sand blasting so best is to do it in small parts to cover the bare aluminum immediately with aluminum primer.

I just asked my local dealer about touch up power coat. He informed me that GW uses paint. The touch up paint is available through your local GW dealer. I would start there. Once you have the paint, then you should determine what type of primer to use.

I have a few spots to touch up.

I have a few very small spots to fix and my process will be:

1) clean flaking paint (being careful to not go to far beyond what needs to be fixed)
2) very lightly sand spot
3) wipe with alcohol
4) prime
5) paint


I had to have my aluminum RADAR mast shortened. Once I got it back from the welder, I followed the process above and it came out great. After four years, it has not flaked. I used RUSTOLEUM PRIMER and then RUSTOLEUM enamel paint. Of course, I was able to simply use white. I am hoping the GW touch up compatible with the RUSTOLEUM primer.
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Your descriptions is correct as long the corrosion did not pitted the aluminum below the paint.
If there is pitting i would use a composite brush wheel to clean out the aluminum oxide inside the pits to avoid that the aluminum oxide will start to lift off the paint again. For small spots a Dremel or similar small tool will work fine and on't use wire wheels/brushes as they may leave iron traces who will react with the aluminum and render the job less lasting.
Make sure you use a aluminum etch primer on the clean aluminum. Then use a primer compatible with the paint.

Are you sure your aluminum is painted and not power coated?