Using a dockside pumpout

1st grady

GreatGrady Captain
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
If I utilize the dock holding tank pump out, does my pump need to operate or does the pumpout facility suck out the nasty?
I am hoping the latter because my pump took a dump.
The dockside pumpout that I have used at a fuel dock literally sucks the tank empty........
I think you also need a special adapter fitting that threads into the deck fitting to hook up to the pumpout facility, is that correct guys?
The marina I use has an adapter to fit the threads of my pump-out outlet. I know they have a couple of different adapter sizes because outlets aren't all the same size. Pump out works like a big vacuum-boat pump on mine doesn't need to work at all.
yup...most docks have adapters so u don't need to do anything but watch the guy do the work.

don't need to turn on pump.

That is what I was hoping for. I wasn't looking to change the pump full of nasty stuff.