Is a TRD based on the Toyota Tacoma or the Tundra? If it's the Tacoma then I can't imagine it would have the maximum towing capacity in order to tow a boat of that size. My 2004 Grady White 228 Seafarer with a hardtop and a single main Yamaha F225 with a half tank of fuel for example is 5,300 lbs just for the boat itself, and that's with only a half a tank of fuel and minimal gear. With a full tank of fuel and a decent amount of gear I'd bet my boat would weigh close to 6,000 lbs. And then my trailer on the registration says that it weighs 975 lbs, which would put the entire thing at near 7k lbs, which I'd be willing to bet that a Toyota Tacoma will have a lighter maximum towing capacity. I'd have to imagine that a 248 Voyager which is a longer, wider and heavier boat with a full tank of fuel and an even heavier trailer is only going to be heavier on top of that, probably closer to 7,500 - 8,000 lbs fully loaded and especially since the boat has twin motors on it.