Weak Telltale


GreatGrady Captain
Apr 23, 2008
Reaction score
Punta Gorda FL
Just finished the yearly service(137hrs) on my 2000 200HP OX66s. On the cooling side I have rebuilt the water pumps(impellers,etc.) and replaced thermostats. Have not yet cleaned or replaced the poppet valves. Noticed during the year that one engine telltale became substantially weaker(no prostate jokes please!!) than the other. Never an alarm for overheating and the engine has performed well. Put boat back in water today and that engine still has a much weaker stream than the other one. Have run fishing line up the outlet many times during hte year. When flushing the engine with a hose, the telltale flow is also much weaker than the other engine

Fishing is all in salt water and I "almost always routinely" flush the engines after each day on the water.

Will clean/replace poppet valves next week. Any thoughts or suggestions concerning the cause of this difference?
I've had both weak and no stream at various times. In every case I had debris stuck in there. Just remove the plastic nut and clean out the cap. While you have it off, start your engine and let the cooling water flow freely. It should have a strong stream coming out.

Gary 89 Overnighter
yes, it is usually sand or shell i or some kind of debris stuck in the way. do you have a temp gauge. I always had a water pressure gauge tee off on my water line or tattle tale and i was constantly paranoid and looking back at the transom. Now i have a boat with a full transom and can't look back there so I installed a temp gauge. worth the money and trouble.
I started mine after not running for a few weeks and saw a very weak telltale. It was in the yard on a trailer with the hose hooked up to muffs. So I took the cover off and saw stuff hanging out of the discharge hose end. I restarted the engine, and manipulated the ends of the discharge and a mud wasp nest came out plus a bunch of grass. Darn bugs. All was fine after that. I would love to get a Temp gauge on the engine.

SilverLining -
Would you be able to post a "how to" on changing the poppet valve? your 2000 shouldnt be too different from my 1998.