Make sure you check rpm and speed with a full load of fuel, if you do not the boat will never have power to plane out when loaded, you want to be close to full rpm with a full load, that way with 1/2 fuel you are turning max rpm, but when fully loaded you have the power to get on plane rather then fall flat on your face. It is likely the props you have now are good, they may not be the absolute best match but typically they are good if a Yamaha dealer put them on, they will not release the boat unless the engines spin within specs. You want to spin up to the top portion of the max range, if you are in the lower portion you may want to change the prop. also rememeber, you may spend $400 a prop, if you are looking for fuel savings, how long will it take to repay them, it may not be worth it for that reason, but is well worth it if the engines are working too hard to turn the props and get the boat to speed.