Good note, Dennis. I was also curious about that as well. Nothing to do but wait till the boat gets here, just trying to think ahead so I can gather as many hard to install items as I can to include in the install of the top. Without knowing the size of that panel, all I can do right now is dream heh.. but, trying to at least narrow down the choices so I can be ready once it gets here.
I think I have room on that dash for a smaller screen for nav, then maybe one more item.... not sure I care if the radio is outside.. but maybe I can add a usb charger and mount for my iphone later myself...dunno.
Big thing will be the vhf stuff being moved up top. No matter what I get, I can install those later myself due to the easy access. As long as they run a "pull cord" or I narrow down what I plan to get, I can get the radar dome mounted and just left inside the access area.
So, essentially, I think I can stick with Garmin...lots of options, makes it easier.. and get a Garmin radar dome and mounting bracket.
Then, just need to decide if a 8ft vhf antenna is plenty... and is there rrrreeeallly a huge difference with Digital vs Shakespere? Always used them, seemed fine... not sure if 350 vs 75 is worth a difference.
Then, I can grab a single garmin gps antenna and sat antenna.. and that would complete the items I plan to have them run through the tower.. heh