Where to Buy Parts: More for the Newbies to This Site


GreatGrady Captain
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Crisfield, MD
A lot of the forum members like to use Shipyard Island Marina in Wisconsin. You may possibly be able to get parts a few dollars cheaper elsewhere, but you generally will get a discount. The guy to deal with is ANDY junior. In my case, I like dealing with Andy for a couple of reasons: 1. Most importantly, he ships right away. You won't get excuses. 2. If you're doing a job that requires replacing consumable parts ( washers, gaskets, o-rings ), Andy knows what other parts you need and will suggest them to you. If I have one day off from work to do a job, it's good to know that I can do the job because I have all the parts I actually need, not just the ones I asked for. He carries the major brand parts for Merc, Yami, and a few others.
I agree with suggestions that could help ,a few years back I ordered a large number of items one suggestion was an upgraded water pump kit which was helpful . I just ordered from them again the other day .