which walk around with a full v-berth and stand up head?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
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Palmerton, Pa
Me and the wife are thinking about selling our searay cabin cruiser and getting a walk around with a full v-berth and stand up head. Any suggestions?? I have no probelm with buying a boat from the 80's or 90 era. Must have twin outboards thou with a closed transom and still be trailerable yet. We spend alot of over nights on the boats. Recently we took the searay to the delaware shore and spent the entire week on the boat so i need a boat that can be lived on for a week and still fish. We also have a 86 offshore 24 which is great for fishing but lacks alot of creature comforts.. So basically i want a walk around with a full cabin
Sounds like you are describing my boat... 8)

(Sailfish 252, 272 or 282 - you can download the catalogs for the various years at the Grady site. You will need something big to tow it - minimum 3/4 ton.)
Thanks my tow vehicle is a 2001 crew cab Silverado 3/4 ton with a duramax diesel so towing isn't an issue..lol
Everything is towable. The questions become how much can your truck handle and how much hassle are you willing to deal with?
Current cabin cruiser weighs close to 10K and I tow that to Delaware 400 miles round trip truck handles it just fine.
greetings, the 265 express has a full head as well. its not really a great or walk around boat. No recessed walk area on the bow, but the trade off is more room down stairs and a lot of room on the helm. especially with bench seats on both sides. We scalloped for 2 days last weekend with 4 adults and 2 kids on the boat. it was nice that we could all sit under the top, or be in the shade if desired. the express has a very large hard top. I have trailered mine over 6k miles so far. I pull it with a tuned up, f-250 super duty. The best improvement so far was EOH brakes. dale
I've looked at the expresses but like u said it's not a walk around. The sailfish or marlin is more what were looking for. I have eoh on my trailer as well and i love it. Makes towing less stressfull...lol. When we were at the marina for the week we did see alot of the newer expresses in the mid 30 range and what looked like a 12 foot beam. Those models were a walk around just way out of my price range...lol. Are problem is we do alot of boating at the local lake, upper cheasepeake bay area and the coast of Delaware. So the boat needs to be trailerable which limits me in terms of size
Check out an Islander 270. 8.5' beam so no permits required for towing and fits the rest of your criteria. Ours has twin 225f so it is quick enough to get there in a hurry but stil slow enough to troll for Lake Trout.
Consider the older series of 25 or 27's as well. Somewhere in the early to late 90's with the SeaV2 Hull and full transom. Lots of cockpit room to fish and move about, cabin is nice and deep. Easy to trailer at around 10K for my rig and pull with V10 gas Excusion no issue.
Been extremely happy with this layout and walkaround is wider than most I have been on due to wider beam for this model.
Consider the older series of 25 or 27's as well. Somewhere in the early to late 90's...

If I had to do it again I would pick up a 98 or newer Sailfish 272 or 282. In 98 the running surface was extended to the end of the Euro-transom and I believe 98 is the first year Greenwood was used in the transoms but I would double check on that. (Mine's a 94)
I love my 282 Sailfish and it is great. I do love the Express style too but something about the 265 I was not crazy about. The ride did not seem as good as the 282. I will say the helm room almost out weighed that. Next time I may look at a 305 for my use.
For a lot of overnighting and a lot of time spent on the boat, a Marlin in the ticket.