Windlass Chain


GreatGrady Captain
Jan 20, 2008
Reaction score
West Dennis, MA
I recently purchased a 2001 282 Sailfish. It has a windlass. I am completely new to the use of a windlass. What is the best anchor to use with a windlass? It has a rope/chain rode with a very short piece of chain(6'). What is the recommended chain length for a 282? Do I need to purchase chain specifically designed for a windlass? Please advise....
Best anchor to use is the one that works best in the types of bottoms you usually anchor in.

I always recommend using an anchor at least one size larger than recommended for your boat.

Best recommendation for chain is one foot for every foot of boat length. We have 300-feet of rode and 30-feet of chain on our 22# Delta on the windlass.

Windlass chain is NOT the cheap stuff from the hardware big box. Use BBB or Proof-coil chain in the correct size for the windlass.

I have 20' of chain on my anchor and windlass. More chain is usually better/recommended then going with less if you can. Chain will help your anchor to grab and will prevent the line from fraying on anything that may be on the bottom. If you anchor in anything other then a shallow river or bay, then more chain IMHO is not even an option, it should be required. In nasty seas or an emergency, you will be glad you had the extra chain to help you hold bottom. I would say 10' is a minimum. And if you anchor in anything over 75+ ft I would opt for more chain. Another alternative is heavier chain, but usually windlass's require a certain style and size chain so that it can be retrieved, you cannot just use any chain or line. I agree with ocnslr, always go with a slightly larger anchor then what is required for your size boat.