winter cover


Active Member
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Westport, MA
Looking for a reusable winter cover for my 1995 272. Anybody buy winter cover from iboats?? If so, which material and how did it work out for you? Do most people shrinkwrap or tarp? Thanks in advance!
I called into Iboats for a cover and found that they know absolutely nothing about what they are selling. So I called the manufacturer Westland and they were much more helpful as you would expect. If they have a pattern for your boat it's a good deal vs. having one made custom, about half the price.

As for shrink wrap vs. a cover if you are outside in the snow and want to use a cover make sure you can frame the boat and still have the cover fit and fit tight to the frame. You need the frame to keep snow and ice from building up. You also need to make very sure that the inside will ventilate. If it does not ventilate condensate will build up inside and cause problems with your gel coat.

Personally, I do not like shrink wrap for a bunch of reasons. First, I have seen boats damaged by an overzealous person manning the heat gun. If the heat gun is left in one place too long it will bubble the gel coat. Next if you do not vent this stuff properly you can wind up with serious spider cracking. As moisture builds up inside the shrink wrapped boat and condenses it finds micro cracks in your gel coating and then freezes and makes little cracks bigger. Third, a semi custom cover costs about the same as one year’s shrink wrapping.

My recommendation is find inside non-heated storage and buy the cover.
I bought one of the Taylor-Made gray poly (8oz i think) two years ago and I am pleasantly surprised at how well it has held up. For the 208 it was like $250. Semi custom fit, I did sew out a bubble at the bow, it would hold water at the 'V' of the bowrail, and I cut a semi-circle in front of the tilted motor so it would clear without bunching or chaffing.

Otherwise, it fit pefectly, would buy one again. Would have loved to have a Sunbrella one, but they are closer to $800 for the smaller boat.

I keep the boat covered except for mid-summer when we're using the boat every weekend, and it's hot. Keeps it clean and ready to go.