Winterizing 330 system in water


Active Member
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Brigantine, NJ
I am keeping my 330 express in the water through the winter. Wondering what needs to be done to salt water washdown system to winterize. I am emptying fresh water tanks and flushing with RV antifreeze and pumping out head and running a gallon of antifreeze through the toilet. I have someone winterizing the ac/heating system and generator. Anything esle I'm missing?
When you winterize the head you also need to pump Nontox through the macerator and out the seacock. Additionally, don't forget to pour Nontox down the shower drain and then use the shower sump to pump it through the lines and the seacock.
I think a good way to winterize the raw water washdown would be to install a T fitting in the hose between the thru-hull and the R/Wstrainer. Add a piece of hose (clear vinyl from Lowes works fine) to the new fitting (and have a plug or cap handy for later).

Close the sea-cock for R/W thru-hull, and drop the hose into a jug of pink antifreeze. Turn on the raw water pump and open the faucets. When solid pink runs out, shut the pump off, and cap the end of the hose that was used to draw antifreeze into the system.

You could get fancier, and put a valve in-line to the piece of hose. Capping it off with a plastic cap of plug works, since there's no pressure on it when in use; just the suction of the R/W pump.