WTB : Isinglass Enclosure and Boat Cover for 228 Seafarer


Jan 11, 2024
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Orange County, CA
Hello All,

I'm looking for a set of Isinglass Enclosure panels for my 2003 228. A beat up set would work too so I can have it copied. Also looking for a boat cover or recommendations for ones that would work. Thank you!
If you are willing to spend money on a cover, I was pretty happy with mine (my buddy has it, it went with the hard top to him). It's in 3 parts:

Forward part covers the bow pulpit, back to fasten to the forward edge of the hard top, and then along both sides of the hard top.
Back parts hangs on the 5 rod holders that Glen built for me, velcros and clips to the foward part.
Last part goes over the hardtop, they did it with clips, I'd do it with velcro.

I did it like that because the off the shelf covers are so bulky and heavy, I put it on exactly once. The custom one, while spendy, was light enough that I used it a bunch.
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I didn’t buy but was on Covercraft’s website last week and a cover for a 208 was 50% off, around $750. Pretty good deal if still available considering it is a new piece and the cost (and garbage) of the throwaway wrap. 228 larger but not hugely larger.
We have a 2007 228 in Carlsbad, CA. For boat cover we went with https://www.boatcoversdirect.com/
Admiral Navy
Part#: 90026S
Dimensions: (L x W) 26'6" x 108"
Boat Style: Walk Around Cuddy Boat with Hard Top
Motor: Outboard
Material: 7 oz. Sun-DURA

5 years now and still going strong!

We recently had new canvas installed for the front and side curtains. We highly recommend Jeff:

Jeff Warren
Fabricator, Pacific Coast Canvas
12528 Kirkham Ct., suite 9
Poway, California 92064
Mobile 858 776-7092
Find a local place to do the enclosure. They will make sure it fits right, and you have someone to go to for fixes down the road. I have been using carver covers for my last 2 expresses and been very happy. The cover goes on for winter storage with supports in the bow. Not a perfect fit but good enough. Both covers more than paid for themselves compared to shrink wrap.
Thanks for the responses ! At least have the cover taken care of. Isinglass curtains will have to wait until next year.
Hello, back in 2022 a member here named FLWhaler had a full set of curtains for an older Seafarer, you may want to send him a PM to see if he still has them for sale
Can also check A&J canvas in Vanceboro NC. They do the enclosures for GW. Exec quality and good price.