WTB: Marlin or 330 express:

Feb 10, 2023
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Canyon 306
Looking for a Marlin, 305 Express, or a 330 Express. For a Marlin I'd really like to be newer than 2014 to try to avoid any of the potential transom issues, but for an express I'm willing to risk it to be a little older and still be able to afford it.

Am I crazy for being so concerned about the transom issues? I think I'm extra gun-shy because I thought I found the perfect one...but it is getting its transom done right now and I'm worried that I might be missing other issues.

The closer to the North East/Mid Atlantic the better.
keep in mind the cost of a transom job relative to the boat cost. if you are spending $130k on a boat with a good transom or $100k on a boat that needs it done for $12k, which way do you come out better in the end? if done right, the re-done transom will be perfect and 100% worry free.
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I guess my bigger concern is do the transom replacements mean there are other issues beyond the transom? Or does only the transom rot out? None of the sides?
you can very easily have a bad transom with the rest of the boat being fine. typically the issues with the transom were caused by water getting in the top of the transom where an aluminum plate is "caulked" in place and not maintained. this allows water to get under the aluminum plate and seep into the transom core.
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It's a GW issue not just a specific boat line issue. Just watch it, seal it and if you notice bubbling, delamination, or separation where water can get in, just need to stay on top of it and seal them up. I'd take off the white ends every few years and seal and re-install. I finally bit the bullet and have the motors off and the transom glassed properly. Wasn't cheap, but I won't have issues with it. If I buy a new GW, the first thing I do before it even sees the water is get glassed properly. Just a bad design in my opinion.
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Looking for a Marlin, 305 Express, or a 330 Express. For a Marlin I'd really like to be newer than 2014 to try to avoid any of the potential transom issues, but for an express I'm willing to risk it to be a little older and still be able to afford it.

Am I crazy for being so concerned about the transom issues? I think I'm extra gun-shy because I thought I found the perfect one...but it is getting its transom done right now and I'm worried that I might be missing other issues.

The closer to the North East/Mid Atlantic the better.
I have a 2002 Grady 330 express Rich 845-772-1940 110,000. Naples,Fl. See ad.
The potential transom issues run up and down the line (Express, Walks, CC, and DC) unfortunately.
Looking for a Marlin, 305 Express, or a 330 Express. For a Marlin I'd really like to be newer than 2014 to try to avoid any of the potential transom issues, but for an express I'm willing to risk it to be a little older and still be able to afford it.

Am I crazy for being so concerned about the transom issues? I think I'm extra gun-shy because I thought I found the perfect one...but it is getting its transom done right now and I'm worried that I might be missing other issues.

The closer to the North East/Mid Atlantic the better.
I have a 330 express 2002. See ad under time bandit. Rich 845-772-1940
don't know if still looking but i have my boat for sale 33 express 04 with twin 300 yam new phaser gen and look it up south jersey yatch sales
Looking for a Marlin, 305 Express, or a 330 Express. For a Marlin I'd really like to be newer than 2014 to try to avoid any of the potential transom issues, but for an express I'm willing to risk it to be a little older and still be able to afford it.

Am I crazy for being so concerned about the transom issues? I think I'm extra gun-shy because I thought I found the perfect one...but it is getting its transom done right now and I'm worried that I might be missing other issues.

The closer to the North East/Mid Atlantic the better.
I have a 2002 330 express. Twin 300. The boat is in Naples , Fl. 845-772-1940.
looking to trade down.
The potential transom issues run up and down the line (Express, Walks, CC, and DC) unfortunately.
So I have a newish 228, 2020 bought from Grady. Are the transom issues something I need to worry about? I have an excellent fiberglass guy so if there is something I need to do, please tell me. Thanks in advance.
So I have a newish 228, 2020 bought from Grady. Are the transom issues something I need to worry about? I have an excellent fiberglass guy so if there is something I need to do, please tell me. Thanks in advance.
does your boat have a bracket, or are the engines right on the transom? the issue is for boats with engines mounted on the transom. the top of the transom is not glassed over at the factory. they essentially just glue/caulk an aluminum cap on top of the transom (there may be a couple screws, too). over time the caulk loses seal, or the cap itself corrodes. this allows water entry. older boats with wood transoms would rot from this. newer boats have composite transoms so rot is not a concern but delamination still is, more so in areas with freeze/thaw cycles in winter.

the A+ fix is to pull the engines, remove the aluminum cap, and glass over the top. if you dont want to do that or spend that money, just check the condition of the cap and sealant a couple times a year and reseal as needed.
does your boat have a bracket, or are the engines right on the transom? the issue is for boats with engines mounted on the transom. the top of the transom is not glassed over at the factory. they essentially just glue/caulk an aluminum cap on top of the transom (there may be a couple screws, too). over time the caulk loses seal, or the cap itself corrodes. this allows water entry. older boats with wood transoms would rot from this. newer boats have composite transoms so rot is not a concern but delamination still is, more so in areas with freeze/thaw cycles in winter.

the A+ fix is to pull the engines, remove the aluminum cap, and glass over the top. if you dont want to do that or spend that money, just check the condition of the cap and sealant a couple times a year and reseal as needed.
I have a swim platform. So I think I'm good.
keep in mind the cost of a transom job relative to the boat cost. if you are spending $130k on a boat, with a good transom or $100k on a boat that needs it done for $12k, which way do you come out better in the end? if done right, the re-done transom will be perfect and 100% worry free.

Every older boat will have or develop issues, most common are
leaking fuel tanks
rot in transom
soft deck due rotted wood
rotted/delaminating stringers
gremlins in electrical system

Some of the above is simple to fix and can be don DY, other can be complicated and need specialists.

A cheaper priced boat leaves the money to so some repairs and fortunately two of the above issues are rather easy to repair.
Fuel tank replacement and water in transom, where fuel tanks will leak sooner or later and have to be replaced, guaranteed.
Water in transom is due the special wood on newer GW's not a too problematic situation and replacing the wood is not a too difficult job on most of all boats.

I was negotiating for a beautiful Pursuit 35OS and just before i booked the flight to Corsica to sea trial i stumbled over a 2 part video from a fiberglass shop who replaced the fuel tanks on same model what involved cutting the whole cockpit out, change the fuel tanks and glass the cockpit floor back in and gelcoat all the damage done. Basically a 10-30K job just to change fuel tanks what could be solved - as GW and many others do - with a cover to remove.
My buddy bought a old Pursuit 2470 and is going nuts on what all to replace and glasswork to do for the soft spots on the deck and bow pulpit, including cutting the deck to pull the fuel tank as fuel tank cover is so small that fuel tank don't exit without cutting the deck. Totally dumb design ...

^^^ This. Best thing to do if your keeping the boat is to have the transom glassed. Expensive, but you'll be happy down the road.