Yamaha 4 stroke fuel additives??

Grady 228

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
North Shore
What is recommended for a additive for the yamaha 4 strokes. I have read that a lot of people use Startron. Anything else I should be using?
I have used the startron as well but am hearing good news on the marine formula stabil...anyone have any success with the new product? How does it hold up in the tank over the winter?
Just like NEM says......Lot's of folks will tell you that it's a waste but with that much $$ hanging off the back of the boat do you really want to chance it?

Startron works great with the E-10 and Ringfree will keep the motor whistle clean......Cheap insurance relaytive to everything else we spend $$ on....IMHO
So basically the same as I've been doing with my old 175 2 stroke. Just want to make sure . thanks
I can't help thinking that using too much of this stuff causes some to get past the rings into the crank case. Wonder if more frequent oil changes would be benificial?
I was going to say - same as 2 strokes, but you beat me to it.

Yamaha 4 stroke owners manual applicable pages are copies of 2 stroke manual pages.
If you troll alot, two oil changes a year helps. Do one at the end of the season, so the gunk (professional term) does not stay in there while laid up!