Hey guys.. i have long been in the marked for a overnighter and just now come across an amazing combo.. it is a 1991 204c in mint shape, it has a reinforced transom with the offshore bracket. The motor is a 2012 yamaha f225 and a brand new yamaha 9.9 (both 4 strokes).. Not my biggest question concern is weight and power. I have yet to see one powered by a 225 but have read around you can max up to 230? Now should i be concerned it is a heavy 4 stroke? I stood in it and the boat felt like it was slanted with the bow much higher than the stern, but this was the one and only overnighter i have ever stood in so i have little to compare. Here are some pictures let me know guys as i am one of a few bidders and ready to purchase immediately (upon successful survey) thanks!! Here are some pics of it