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  1. B

    1988 20ft Overnighter 204-C Fuel Tank specs

    Hookup, Obviously you don't own this boat, but that's okay. The boat isn't completely level. It never will be. I'd have to add 500 lbs to the bow and that's not going to happen, not fueling up with 3 people on the bow of the boat either. That's a hack, not a solution. My "baffle" theory is...
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    1988 20ft Overnighter 204-C Fuel Tank specs

    From some research on GG an other sites, it looks like my Grady's OEM was a 65 gal tank. Unfortunately, my boat came with a 52 gal Moeller 32552 (FT5299) poly tank that I can get barely 25 gal into before gas starts coming up out the vent during filling. I suspect it has to do with the...
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    Replacement Hinges for 87’ Overnighter

    Garrett, I'm on the same boat (literally and figuratively). I have an 88 with the same issue. I think they were Perko, but that design stopped a long time ago. No answer from Grady on the make/model (I've asked too). I'm considering getting some custom done, not sure how much that would cost but...
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    Bennett OBI9000H (with sensor-less actuators) stops working / times out?

    Sure Automated. Let me detail a little more about how I skinned this cat. The kit I bought was the BENOBI9000H, see the installation instructions here: I bought it from Hodges Marine. Here's the link to the...
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    Bennett OBI9000H (with sensor-less actuators) stops working / times out?

    Update: I have yet to try it, but had a great conversation on the phone with Tom from Bennett. Took 30 minutes on hold to get ahold of him, but worth the wait. He asked me to report back to him on my findings, which I gladly will do, but he confirmed my suspicions: it's likely timing out after...
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    Bennett OBI9000H (with sensor-less actuators) stops working / times out?

    Boy that's some cold water to pour on this thread. Sorry to hear that, sounds like he was very responsive with useful knowledge (vs empty replies) to his customer base (i.e. us boaters). Thanks for the SA, Dennis. I definitely know how to use a phone, figured though maybe the community at large...
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    Bennett OBI9000H (with sensor-less actuators) stops working / times out?

    Among many other upgrades to my Overnighter 20 last winter (besides a repower, new transom, and awesome paint job) was replacing my tired hydraulic tab pump. My marine mechanic re-used my old sensor-less tab actuators, but since my old tab control switch was also old and tired (ES2000 with the...