Search results

  1. G

    Pigeon got in the cabin...

    So I head out to my mooring, open up the cabin and see bird poop and feathers in the cabin. Looks like it was very recent since the was not that much. Now, I realize there is a vent under the port side gunnel that goes through to the cabin which is the only possible explanation. Cabin door...
  2. G

    Trim Tabs - Hydrolic or Electric?

    What type of tabs are better and what is the ball park cost to have them installed after market on a 20 footer? A guy the marina quoted me about $1300 installed for electric ones. I assumed most ppl have hydrolic and those kits costs around $600. Is installation really that much??
  3. G

    Captains chair wobbles

    The lever and knob under the chairs are as tight as they can get, yet the chair still wobbles. Any one have this issue?
  4. G

    Cleaning while mooring

    Any of you guys keep your boat on a mooring who clean your boat regularly? I don't have access to a dock with fresh water, was wondering what you guys do....
  5. G

    Bow Rail Notch...flag?

    At the foremost section of the bow rail there is a notch, I guess to put a flag/pennant of some sort, am I right?
  6. G

    Location of outboard serial #?

    I need this for my insurance. I have a 1997 Yamaha Saltwater Series II 175hp. Anyone know where this is? Wanna know before I venture out since she's on a mooring.
  7. G

    Trim Tab installation

    Looking to install trim tabs on my 208 after I pull her out of the water this fall. 2 questions, has anyone here noticed a major difference after installation in terms of keeping the bow down? I can trim the motor all the way down plus I have doel fins installed (came with the boat) but the...
  8. G

    Finally I'm a Grady owner!

    After a long search, my wife and I got a 1997 Grady White 208 adventure!! We are so excited! After years of wanting a Grady White we have one :D When I say years, I mean since I was a little kid and my father would tell me that they were the best fishing boats on earth. Dad's excited too...
  9. G

    Motor won't trim down

    I have a 1997 yamaha v6 175 2-stroke outboard that stays in the up position. It's not the manual latch that keeps it up, I checked that already. I'm getting electricity, the motor sounds fine when you hit either the up or down switch. Does it sound like hydraulic fluid issue?
  10. G

    Surveyors on LI?

    Looking into a few used Grady's over the next week or so, so I'd imagine I need a surveyor who has knowledge in Grady White's. Has any one had a good experience with any local ones on Long Island? Or tri-state area? Currently going to look an 88 seafarer and a 97 adventure.
  11. G

    Soft Spot on Seafarer Deck

    I'm looking into a used grady, specifically a 1990 seafarer with 1994 power. I spoke with the dealer at the marina and he told me that there is a soft spot on the deck about 2 feet in diameter, suspecting it is rotten plywood under the deck. First, I was not aware that grady had plywood under...