265 Express/Suzuki DF200APXW2


GreatGrady Captain
Oct 12, 2017
Reaction score
Manasquan Inlet NJ
Express 265
Bye Bye Yamahas.... she is off to get Suzukis


Edit: In case you land here and don't want to read thru the whole thread, here is a summary...

Twin DF200APXW2 inline 4 cylinder 4 stroke 531 pounds each
Drive by wire. http://www.suzukimarine.com/Product Lines/Outboard Motors/Products/DF200AP/2012/DF200AP.aspx
settled on 4 blade 15.25 x 22 props after poor results with 3 blade 16 x 20. They slippped when goosing the throttle on takeoff and in current against standing waves.
4 blades feel good.

Loaded with 250 gals of gas and 150 pounds of ice
ran to canyon 252 miles total and burned 159 gls = 1.59 mpg avg
(for reference, my Yamaha ox66 225s averaged 1 mpg on same trips and we had to bring safety gas and limit trolling while there or troll some going out and back)

Troll was something less than 50 miles. best to run one engine to troll at 7 mph @ 2000 rpm 3.8 mpg
Fuel burn was better on the return run as the boat was lighter
running 35 mph @5400 gauge said 1.4 mpg
running 30 mph gauge read 1.4 out/ 1.6 back
(the gauge seems to only read even numbers above 1.1 so 1.4 could be 1.5)

Top speed loaded was 39 mph @ 6000 and 1.1 mpg
Conditions were ideal...glassy and minimal swell
Light in flat calm river I get to 41mph

Had problem with the mounting of steering off my Yamahas. The dealer, Sherman's Boat Basin, installed the original seastar 5345 cylinder on the bottom of the pivot arm and it prevents the starboard motor from raising out of the water. They say that the tie bar from my Yamahas prevents them from mounting on top.
I have a new seastar HO6001 tie bar on order.
Another 265 got same motors from same dealer and they were able to mount his on top and both motors come out of the water when raised.
Edit: I moved the steering cylinder to the top and installed the HO6001 kit and both motors are well out of the water when raised. I set the spread to 28 3/8".

The motors were mounted in the same holes as the Yamahas. One hole from all the way down. It is not possible to lower them as the motor will hit the transom before reaching that hole. They are 28" on center. The dealer set them parallel, ie, the tie bar was 28". I lengthened the tie bar 1/2" thus giving the motors a "toe out" angle(props pointing toward centerline slightly). This definitely improved the 265 slow speed wandering steering!

I had the dealer add the Auxillary Charging cables so that my House batteries are always charging when any motor is running.

I really like the new SMG4 gauges.smg4gauge/youtube

I don't regret going down in horsepower from 225s. The 200s are plenty for the boat unless you are always in calm water and like to fly.
IMO the 265 does not handle well above 40 mph in any case.

Edit: since break-in the mpg has improved. Gauge consistently reads 1.6 or 1.8 at 30mph and generally 1.6 at 34mph in nice seas.

I added some pieces of black tape to show when the throttles are in Neutral. When you look down at the chromed handles its not always obvious where you are. The displays indicate the position but when you are backing into a slip that doesn't help much. I wish I could rig a sound for reverse. That would be really helpful.

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Awesome, there’s a 265 in my marina with new Suzukis 250 hp all white. They look huge on her,
it will be a sweet ride congrats.
Nice. Keep us up to date. Would be interested if you are doing any transom work while off. I'd remove the bang plate, seal up and add a new one at a minimum.
You have been threatening this since you got it. Dreams really do come true!! Big fan of Suzuki's. I live vicariously through you. Haha. Keep us posted.
exited for you looking forward to videos and some numbers!!! I've been planting the seed in my finance's head repower after the wedding lol
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Nice. Keep us up to date. Would be interested if you are doing any transom work while off. I'd remove the bang plate, seal up and add a new one at a minimum.
I would love to have the boat with motors off in warm weather to glass over that seam but the aluminum cap is in really good shape and it is sealed really well.
Don't want to slow down the process...
Nice, let us know how this goes. I hope that there are twin 200s in my future. I think that the 265 Express and the 270 Islander have similar dimensions.
Hope they don't fork that end at the shop :eek:

It's good seeing MADE IN JAPAN on those boxes.

if the yammies fit, the sukes will look better.
Wasn't expecting white, absolutely perfect choice!!

You better pull a heist and take those nitrile gloves in the pic. They may come in handy soon :p