265 Express/Suzuki DF200APXW2

Right now I have the ox66s with 4 blades. They seem to have better traction in seas. I’m located in Washington state. You and skunk are running the Suzuki in-line 4s correct? Thanks for all the info.
yes, inline 4 cylinders. Plenty of power for this hull....too much power for these props. Spinning on take off. If I was on pavement I'd be doing smokey burnouts....going to the 4 blades.
I had ox66 225s with 3x15.25x19 props and hit mid 40s @ 5200rpm WOT.
edit: Boat chewed up 3 to 5 with the ox66s. the 19 pitch props were on the heavy side but I really liked the feeling of them. It makes me tend to want to go heavy on the new motors at the expense of some WOT rpms

new motors get just over 40 @ 5950. This hull isn't very good over 40 mph anyways IMO...scary...

Stay tuned on this thread because when Tilewave and I get them dialed in we'll have the definitive setup...
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Sounds like you have the OFS4 Since they’re 15-1/4” diameter. Skunk has 3x16x20 Suzuki props. Talking to a few people(Ken, PowerTech, etc.) the Suzuki props are more like 1-2” pitch than the stamped number. Basically you have the same effective pitch but you have an extra blade and he has 3/4” more diameter. The extra blade means more surface area and should provide more traction whereas the smaller diameter will still allow you to get up in rpms.

Now that I think about it Skunk might be best off using the same props as you. You could take both your boats out and swap props to test. The 200s are a smaller block/have less midrange torque than the 250 so I’m not sure how they’d do with the LFS4 (16”) diameter since they’re having trouble getting up in rpms with the 3 blade 16” props. Different hull (Adventure 208) but my DF250AP with a LFS4 19” pitch just hits the minimum WOT range of 5400. He could perhaps try a different pitch if he wants to play with hole shot/top speed.

I’d still call Ken again to discuss since he might have better knowledge about any trends for different model year as of your hulls.
as i said , i did speak with ken a couple of times he recommmended lsf4 x 16 x 21.... or x20 if we carry a heavy load. last fall i found a guy in Mass. who has a 2001 265 express same as mine and had already repowered w the 200 zukes.
he spoke with me and gave me all his performance info and was spot on! his props are the power tech lsf4x16x20, thanks for the info also !
as i said , i did speak with ken a couple of times he recommmended lsf4 x 16 x 21.... or x20 if we carry a heavy load. last fall i found a guy in Mass. who has a 2001 265 express same as mine and had already repowered w the 200 zukes.
he spoke with me and gave me all his performance info and was spot on! his props are the power tech lsf4x16x20, thanks for the info also !

Sounds like you guys have props dialed in. Agree with Skunk’s other post that over 40 kts/mph is more than fast enough. I guess he just needs to decide on 20 or 21 pitch and drop $1k on the new props.

Skunk, let us know what you decide to go with and the performance numbers once you get her on the water!
Right now I have the ox66s with 4 blades. They seem to have better traction in seas. I’m located in Washington state. You and skunk are running the Suzuki in-line 4s correct? Thanks for all the info.
hop on a plane over brother , ill take ya fishing this summer !
Also from what I gather, with four blade props you can run them one hole up on the transom. Get a little more rpm and speed? Idk
Good for you I have twin Suzuki’s in my 26.5 and love them
I have a set of 2019 twin Suzuki’s on my 2000 26.5 express and it’s rated for 500hp and the insurance didn’t say a word and my boats insured for $123,000 if something happens.
I run 16x3x21 with my 300’s and Cruz at 35mph at 3800rpm and my cabin is 33 miles from the dock and it takes me 68-74 litres of fuel to get there. I save almost 50 litres just to my cabin and back with these new motors and I like to run at 35-38 mph on the west coast.
I would like to know what the twin 200’s burn in an hours run time I know my buddy’s twin 350’s on his 33 express takes 120 litres to get to our cabin that’s a 33 mile run. He Cruz’s at 35-38 mph to. I have a new 200 Suzuki on my 19’ aluminum and it takes 16 litres to get to my cabin one way it’s unreal on fuel doing 28-32 mph and 4600-4800 rpm.
So I got the 4 x15.25 x22 props like Tilewave. They are great. Way better than the 3x16x20

when I put them on and tested they came out of hole great but I could not get over 30 mph even @6000 rpm.
Didn't make any sense at all since Tilewave raved about them.

Long story short...my trim tabs had growth between tabs and hull blocking them from coming all the way up. Could not see it from the dock.

I think this may have been the cause of the random heeling over problem encountered earlier with the 16 x 20s.

When I get a chance I will do some numbers runs and post. I don't want to mis-state them now but I was very happy seeing 1.6/1.8 mpg in the cruising range.
I topped out at 39 mph but I think messing with trim would get me a few more. I'm not really interested in going over 40 anyways.

Handling was much improved. I was doing nice 180 degree turns at 36 mph.

I have to recal my autopilot, load up the outriggers and go catch me some bluefins this weekend. :p
That sounds promising. Good luck this weekend. Pictures of fish and new motors are always welcome.
@SkunkBoat sorry just saw this thread. Congrats on the beautiful motors! You said yu think the 200 would be great on an Islander? I was looking at the price differences, in case we decided to re-power vs rebuild, and, as most do, my mind went "yea, but I have 225s now... that would be a downgrade.." but, at the end of the day, all my concern would be:

1 - Does it get good mpg?
2 - Cost
3 - Can I get where I want safely?

So, will be interested to see the comparison between the 200 vs the 225 vs the 250. Part of me wants to stay yamaha, but the cost difference is just way too tempting.

Keep posting pics and very happy for you.

Edit: On second thought, I could not do the Suzuki 225s. They add like 23lbs each of weight compared to the 2004 Yamahas. I would either have to do 200s or switch to Mercury which is at 475lbs each or stick to Yamahas which are like 529 each. Interesting. Maybe that site has the weights wrong on that model.

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@SkunkBoat sorry just saw this thread. Congrats on the beautiful motors! You said yu think the 200 would be great on an Islander? I was looking at the price differences, in case we decided to re-power vs rebuild, and, as most do, my mind went "yea, but I have 225s now... that would be a downgrade.." but, at the end of the day, all my concern would be:

1 - Does it get good mpg?
2 - Cost
3 - Can I get where I want safely?

So, will be interested to see the comparison between the 200 vs the 225 vs the 250. Part of me wants to stay yamaha, but the cost difference is just way too tempting.

Keep posting pics and very happy for you.

Edit: On second thought, I could not do the Suzuki 225s. They add like 23lbs each of weight compared to the 2004 Yamahas. I would either have to do 200s or switch to Mercury which is at 475lbs each or stick to Yamahas which are like 529 each. Interesting.


Suzuki DF225s are only available with mechanical shift. DF250AP is same weight but more$ of course.
All three mfgs have their good points. Suzuki has quality a great price. I think the DF200APs would be a great fit for an Islander, as would the YamahaF200a.
The new Mercs are really lightweight and if they had some more years under their belt to shake out problems I would look hard at 225 V6 or 250 v8 ....Not Verado
Aaahh ok, I was wondering why the heck they were so much heavier. Maybe when I get ready to do it, they will have a 225 that is lighter, or maybe I will go with 200s, who knows. Please keep posting updates. If it matches what I get now, I mean... why not?

The Yamaha engines are just too dang much more expensive for what is arguably not any better quality.

Thanks Skunk

First...I'm not going to talk about the fishing because we're in a slump and can't catch a cold....

Ran 40 miles out to the Resor wreck Friday afternoon on reports of a fantastic bluefin bite that morning.
Motors were flawless. Ran 32 mph @5k , MPG reading was 1.4mpg bouncing to 1.6 sometimes
Burned 66 gals for 80 miles running plus 3 hrs of troll.(I didn't reset the trip so I don't have the troll miles)
Beautiful weather. Sat back and really enjoyed my new motors
zuki trolling00008.jpg

decided to do a turn around at 430 the next morning, maybe catch a morning bite.
Wind was North @ 15-19knts. Ugly tight 3 footers with white caps and a swell from 2 directions.....Ran 18 miles to Little Italy at 25ish mph, so as not to get killed, still showing 1.4 mpg
Trolled to the SR reef and headed home.
No problems. Motors and 265 handle it great. 55 miles on trip Burned 30 gals

Trolling 7 mph @1500 on 2 motors was 2.8/3.0 mpg. trolling on one was better...I want to say @1800ish? and 3.8 mpg.

I really need to write things down when I'm looking at numbers.:rolleyes:
Beautiful, Skunk. Glad you had fun.