2003 330 Vinyl Cockpit Trim

Great! I'll try to contact them tomorrow and place the order. I suppose I could cut them up into 10' sections and sell on eBay for an outrageous sum....Nah, not my style. I'll be back in touch.
I too could use some, but not sure how much you'll have left and not sure how much I'd need to do a 330. I'll measure tomorrow and let me know how much you might have left after "teaklejr." Thanks!
Gang, I have ordered the 105' roll. Shipping was $50 so the per foot cost is more like $2.50/ft.

Let me know who wants a cut and how long, i'll divide and send.
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Gang, I have ordered the 105' roll. They really sock you with shipping - was $180 so the per foot cost is more like $3.75/ft.

Let me know who wants a cut and how long, i'll divide and send.
I think I will be good with about 30 feet just let me know how to pay you.
I could use a bit! Shoot me a PM when you get it, happy to pay my fair share.
Talk. about fast service, the box arrived today! I'm gearing up to go fishing Friday/Saturday and will start on this project on Sunday. I'll be in touch next week for those interested in a length, stay tuned.

cockpit moulding.jpgcockpit moulding.jpg
I could use about 30’ if you have some still available?
Sorry all, I've been busy with work and fishing. I've replaced 1 of the 3 pieces thus far and have everything cleaned up for the rest. Plan is to finish the project tomorrow. I'll reach out to those interested in order of interest.
My project is complete and I used about 13' on my 2003 330. I have 92' of the trim left and based on the order of responses, the order of allocation is:


Please PM me with length and shipping info, I'll get it shipped right away.
Sent you a PM and paypal.
All of the extra trim is gone and there is still a bunch of guys looking. Easy enough to contact the supplier and get some more (well, a lot more, really).
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