Shower sum pump filter location

Joe arrigo

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2020
Reaction score
New Jersey
96 272 sailfish I am looking for the location of the shower sum pump filter as the manual says to clean it can’t seem to find the location
If you don't see it listed in another part of the manual, such as a section where it shows the physical layout of various parts, just pour enough water down the drain till it turns on and listen for the sound. It can't be too hard to find - it's gotta be somewhere accessible and lower than the drain.
The shower normally flows into a small white plastic box under the mid birth. It is an open top box do if it fills up, it overflows into the bilge. There is a circular tube inside the box that the drains flow through to catch hair and debris. Clean the tube, it comes out. The pump is inside the box and has a float switch. Should be easy to locate.
I think I have to take the plate off between the shower and the refrigerator and it’s underneath there that’s what it shows on the schematic
I’m thinking the valve on my left closest to the bathroom is open. And the other valve on my right closer to the refrigerator is closed
This picture is the right one with the valves I think the one on the left is open and the one on the right is closed Is this correct one is the toilet saltwater intake other one is the macerator pump
As far as the valve positions query goes you are correct, handle in line with the thru hull fixture is open, 90 degrees to fixture is closed.
Valve on the left is the raw water pickup for the toilet. The valve on the right is the discharge line from the waste tank
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This is it but where !!!!
Can someone explain what the lower hose on the sump pump box is for? It looks like it goes to a bottom hull fitting. As far as I understand that sump should have one active discharge port and that would be out the side of the hull
Can someone explain what the lower hose on the sump pump box is for? It looks like it goes to a bottom hull fitting. As far as I understand that sump should have one active discharge port and that would be out the side of the hull
Yeah, the drawing isn't very specific. The termination point of that hose should be labelled "shower floor drain".
I believe the ribbed hose near the filter wheel is the incoming water from the head floor (shower drain). The outlet goes to a thru hull for discharge. Kinda a crappy system the hoses are shite and there should be a clear cover if you ask me.
BTW, when you get that baby up on stands lift the bow so gravity can drain the bilge and get some bilge cleaner and spray the bilge areas well. Let it all drain out the garboard plug hole.