Enclosure thoughts


GreatGrady Captain
Oct 12, 2017
Reaction score
Manasquan Inlet NJ
Express 265
I'm looking at a new enclosure for my 265 Express. Has anyone ever made a front zipper window(aka smiley window) roll DOWN instead of UP?
I'm looking at a new enclosure for my 265 Express. Has anyone ever made a front zipper window(aka smiley window) roll DOWN instead of UP?
That would then be a "frowny"... seriously - that's what you call it! :) I prefer smilies - if you do a frowny and roll it down, the rolled part ends up being (at least partly) in the way of your vision. And letting it just lay down on the dash is a pain as it's either in the way or it starts flapping at you.
I was thinking of doing the same thing on my 265. I figure if I need it down in a hurry it can lay on the dash and be out of the way. And then roll it when I can
I would think it would collect water if down and thus not allow it to drain. Rolling it up allows for gravity to clean out the water, or at least part of it, and not pool.

just my 2 cents, and no.. I have not done it heh

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on the 265, the helm 'bubble" (for lack of a better word) blocks the windshield so rolling or laying the frownie down behind the bubble would put it out of the way.
Rolling UP is always a stretch....and I'm 6 ft tall.
Rolling down part way would create a smaller but usable little open window on cold days.

I'm thinking the snaps at the windshield would have to be changed to the "twisty" type to be more secure with the weight hanging...

Russ, I wouldn't have the smiley/frownie open if it was getting wet..:rolleyes:
I meant the splash, Skunk heh

I think either would be fine, I was picturing it in my head and... well, seemed to work better rolled up.. sorta like a tent window.
on the 265, the helm 'bubble" (for lack of a better word) blocks the windshield so rolling or laying the frownie down behind the bubble would put it out of the way.
Rolling UP is always a stretch....and I'm 6 ft tall.
Rolling down part way would create a smaller but usable little open window on cold days.

I'm thinking the snaps at the windshield would have to be changed to the "twisty" type to be more secure with the weight hanging...
In that case, I would go with the style that is easier to use on a daily basis.

Don't worry about changing the snaps - they'll be fine. You're only adding the weight of the zippers and thread.
When I replaced the enclosure on my 265 they put the smiley face in the center panel that rolled up. It wasn't that much of a PITA to roll up. The 2 outside panels also rolled up too. I would think if you made it roll down instead it would probably end up siting a little above the windshield anyway because it would need to be both supported when rolled up and when closed. I don't think you would want it to just lay on top of the helm pod or force it in the space between the pod and he windshield as i could see that as causing potential damage to the plastic.
I have the “frown”. Works well partially unzipped to maintain airflow. Doesn’t seem to block vision when rolled and it’s a lot easier for me to reach (but I’m short). Easier to manipulate in rough water as well...
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I don't like the the enclosure and zippers getting in the way of my view. I went to single piece of Lexan/Makrolon for the front. I never take it out and use the windshield and wipers to see when the enclosure gets fogged up. The vent window work well and the side panels are easy zip outs if necessary.
Different boat, but on my 330, I can't even recall if I have a smile or frown. It would be darn near impossible for me to reach either on the front windshield anyway, and there is almost always enough air from the triangle vent windows and the smiles on the side curtains. I'd also go with a single sheet for the front. Hope that I'm still a number of years away from having to replace my curtains.
I'm also in the process of ordering a new enclosure for my 228 so rather than start a new subject I have a few related questions.
Seems like every canvas shop has a different opinion on what to do with that front window, flexible U, no window, rigid fold in. I'm in the mid Atlantic region so I think I need that front window to open for ventilation. Several shops have recommended not putting a U in front because it will leak and obstruct visibility, is this a major issue? They recommend adding the U later if needed but once it's there it's there.

I'm only 5'8" so under normal conditions I mainly look through the windshield the especially if it's wet with the wiper on.

I don't have an electronics box so right now I'm leaning toward .040 Strataglass with a smiley U center I can fold in to the ceiling, U's on both sides, and 3 panel roll up / removable back. Are there any other alternatives for the front I should consider?
My 272 got no "no faces at all" front panels for the reason cited above - better view. I use the little pivoting side windows for ventilation, but I'm not in a hot climate....
I don't like the the enclosure and zippers getting in the way of my view. I went to single piece of Lexan/Makrolon for the front. I never take it out and use the windshield and wipers to see when the enclosure gets fogged up. The vent window work well and the side panels are easy zip outs if necessary.
View attachment 15635

on a 265 the windshield is behind the Helm bubble. You can't look thru it. I have no wiper and won't ever replace it because it would be useless. I have to be able to open the front because I run at night a lot and thats the only way to see. Hopefully if I get Makrolon it will be much better. I've never been a fan of smileys as they are the first thing to fail.
I also run at night and the way the bow rail reflects light it kills visibility. I just installed a high power LED bar light under my pulpit, the test fit was promising but didn't have a chance to use it on the water last weekend.
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Skunk my boat had the frowny face when I got the boat I didnt like it so had it redone to a smiley face and like it much better
I wouldn't go with the roll down due to difficulty zipping up (you don't have gravity to assist), water collecting in them and opportunity to bang and get scratched up. Better to roll up and get out of the way. I understand the sight of vision issue but don't think the tradeoff is worth it. I'd give A&J canvas in Vanceboro NC a call. They likely can offer input on this. Very good pricing as well.
I went with off white stamoid with "ANNIN" edit:"ANINA" brand hard plastic, wrapping from vent window to vent window. No smiley or frowny windows. Center windshield flips up to Hardtop.
Sides are one piece and don't roll up. Rear center "door" can roll or flip up to hardtop ceiling. Gioia Sails, Lakewood, NJ

Here's a teaser picture. (film has not been peeled off the front plastic in the pic). It is awesome. Hard front is awesome. White was the right choice. Changes evrything.

Don't want to take pix til I finish my dash project & clean things up.

new canvas.jpeg
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