55' of Grady White Beige 1-3/8 x 1/4 Flexible Vinyl Trim


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
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Beaufort NC
I found several threads about replacing the Vinyl cockpit trim on gradys the source is Barbour Plastics and the link is https://www.integritymarinecorp.com/product-page/f8252
Since they only sell it in 105' lengths would anyone be interested in splitting it with me? The total with shipping to NC is $260 So I would be glad to sell 55' for $130 plus shipping to anyone interested. Just send me a message and will work out the details once it arrives.

p.s. Just purchased an 04 300 marlin 2019 300 Yamis with 80 hrs and working on sourcing parts to make it look as good as I can (sure you guys can relate)



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Just so you know I bought direct. And they had someone that only needed half. They sent me my half and some other dude the other half. And that look pricey but is been 3 years ago,
It Arrived today and I have a buyer for half the roll.Thanks for the interest.

Was this the boat on Lynchburg Craigslist? If so I made an offer on it. Only reason I didnt further pursue was because IO found a new diesel Stamas I fell in love with. (My first "Non Grady" after owning 8 two of them being Marlins) If it is the same boat was quite a good deal!

I know everything there is to know about the 300 Marlin so any questions feel free to PM Me.
please let me know if it is still available?
Was this the boat on Lynchburg Craigslist? If so I made an offer on it. Only reason I didnt further pursue was because IO found a new diesel Stamas I fell in love with. (My first "Non Grady" after owning 8 two of them being Marlins) If it is the same boat was quite a good deal!

I know everything there is to know about the 300 Marlin so any questions feel free to PM Me.
Hi Biscayne208 delayed reply to your post wish I had seen it sooner spent the last 3 months resurrecting this beauty. Yes it was the same boat out of lynchburg owner moved the boat to Beaufort dry stack close to me.
Hey Aqua, if you have some extra, I am interested. I dont need much, would like to put it around the base of my helm. Maybe 5’ or so.

Let me know

Hey Aqua, if you have some extra, I am interested. I dont need much, would like to put it around the base of my helm. Maybe 5’ or so.

Let me know

Just sent you a PM
Still have more if anyone else needs some
I may need more also. Any chance you can post pictures of where you used it on your boat?

I’d love to see any boats that used this trim. I may be using more than first thought.

Did you use it where the wood teak was???
Getting a lot more interest in the vinyl trim still have a bunch left. Thought I'd post some photos of the way my Marlin turned out.IMG_9451.jpeg


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My inside corners, on the walkaround step, have shrunk and pulled away, leaving a gap behind, which traps anything washing off the bow. Any tips, like heat gun,etc., for doing corners?
My inside corners, on the walkaround step, have shrunk and pulled away, leaving a gap behind, which traps anything washing off the bow. Any tips, like heat gun,etc., for doing corners?
Not a lot you can do once they shrink except for replacement. Read on another thread that he was able to create the angle by heating it up and bending rather than cutting but think his angle was shallower tried that on the Marlin and got kinks.