Getting over COVID

Hi Crazy,
I went on vacation to the Florida Keys at the beginning of August. All I got was a t shirt and the entire family got Covid. I spent 10 days in the hospital.. I had 5 rounds of remdemsivere and 14 days of steroids. I laid prone for 7 days straight. I am home now, day 5. Hang in there and the isolation sucks for sure brother. Hang in there got this.
Hi Crazy,
I went on vacation to the Florida Keys at the beginning of August. All I got was a t shirt and the entire family got Covid. I spent 10 days in the hospital.. I had 5 rounds of remdemsivere and 14 days of steroids. I laid prone for 7 days straight. I am home now, day 5. Hang in there and the isolation sucks for sure brother. Hang in there got this.
I I got it alright. L O L. Thank you
Crazyfish: Glad to hear the 'starting to come around' part. Hang in there and you'll beat this. Prayers coming your way!

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Thank you having surgery tomorrow blood clot in arm
Crazy: Sorry to know of the blood clot, but I take it as a good sign that you're lungs are well enough for surgery to remove the clot. So yes, good luck with the surgery.

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