Scupper ball valve

Joe arrigo

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2020
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New Jersey
I’m putting new rear scuppers on deck to hull . Should I use bailing valvesEC2D51B5-1FD5-4579-A70E-14A61C1023B1.jpeg32C96997-0D39-4063-B8D7-D068F80E9896.jpeg


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I wouldn’t. They reduce flow and clog easily. Plus being off the side of the boat if you were to hit something and shear one off you could be in trouble quick.
I have those on my little boat and they work well in that situation. With your boat the deck should be much higher than the scuppers so water really shouldn't come backup onto the deck.

Some people complain about the ball rattling around when they open and close. I have never noticed this in my application.
I’m putting new rear scuppers on deck to hull . Should I use bailing valves

Wait a minute, guys. Joe, based on what you wrote it kinda sounds like you are putting them on the deck AND the hull?

As far as the hull goes, clogging depends on the water you are in. But as noted, and kinda obvious, putting them on the side is a bad idea.
I'd focus on the condition and routing of the hoses connected to whatever thru hull you select. If the hose is in good condition and properly routed so it drains but doesn't allow water into the cockpit you should be all set.
What ^^^ he said. Check all the thru holes and hoses. I know the hoses on my 99’ sailfish were beyond shot when I replaced them last year. One nearly disintegrated when I touched it.
Why not replace with the SS scuppers so they have less protrusion on the sides and more flush than those plastic one's?