Deck Drains


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2018
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Express 265
Going to swap out the deck drains/hoses on my 2004 Journey . Where are you buying and what brand is everyone buying ? I see the ones on eBay that say they are the new style Grady for 80$ each (nylon with stainless cover) but think id rather go with all stainless. Thanks for the help!
The difference is that the center grate unscrews in the bottom one, leaving the SS ring. It may also have an anti back flow ball in it, some do. Read the info in the links.
Ok thanks. The reason i asked was there was no description on either of them on the site just a difference in price and one is called a scupper drain. Thanks for the help
In the product listed on the second link it appears that both, or either, the entire stainless steel drain can be unscrewed from the nylon elbow, as well as the center stainless steel plug can be unscrewed as well. As opposed to the product listed in the first link, it appears that it can only be disassembled in one spot. It would be kind of nice to just unscrew the center plug and clean any debris out of it, or whatever else you needed to do as opposed to separating the entire assembly. That being said, it's also $72.95 per unit, as opposed to the first product listed that is $54.95 for the "Complete Set". Whether that means just one total set that includes both pieces or two sets that include both pieces? I'm not positive.
Here's another thread that has a few different links to others as well as products. Good luck!

Spoke to grady today and ordered new drains from the dealer. Grady White part#11-547. Stanless drain screws into nylon fitting this is what they are using from factory today. 50$ each shipped. Thanks for the help!
I just installed these. Keep in mind, you will need a way to secure the black portion to the under side of hull if you ever decide to unscrew and clean out. If it's not secured under the hull, when you unscrew the stainless portion, you'll never get it threaded back on as the black portion will drop/move. The threads must be line up perfectly as I found out while installing because I almost cross threaded one. I never plan on removing the stainless section, no need, nothing big enough should be able to get in there that wouldn't flush out. I believe Grady used a plastic washer and adhered it to the underside of hull for origin install.
Ok thanks. The reason i asked was there was no description on either of them on the site just a difference in price and one is called a scupper drain. Thanks for the help
You must have clicked the link on a mobile device, as I just did on my iPhone. Just a picture and a price, and no description, as you said. I posted it from my desktop, and when I click on it there, there is a full description, pictures, dimensions etc.
I know that you have already ordered from Grady, but to respond to Mleads post, when you remove the center grate, the stainless ring stays screwed into the bottom elbow, so you don’t have that rethreading problem if you need to do a clean out.
I thought the first one was the same part Grady uses, curious if the part you get from GW has the screw holes in the plastic ring, to secure it under the deck?
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