1998 Seafarer with twin 2008 Suzuki four stroke 115.


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Oct 15, 2023
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It came from the factory with twins. The seller re-powered it in 2008. Solid, clean, and well taken care of. This would be my first Grady White. I’ve always had a center console.
I wasn't aware of the factory ever producing a mid 1990's and later model 228 Seafarer with twins on it. That's got to be pretty stern heavy though with each Suzuki 115 having a dry weight of around 427 lbs per unit. Of which on top of that, you've got the twin batteries, a livewell and so forth back there for additional weight. I'm thinking that's going to be 1k lbs or more just for the outboards and the batteries by themselves back there. Comparatively, a Yamaha F225 weighs around 580 lbs dry. I'm curious to see what this looks like, post a few pictures when you get a chance.
Here are a fewIMG_0356.jpeg


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He told me there were only 14 produced. Maybe he meant that year, 1995.
Definitely not a 1998 model year. 1997 and previous 228 Seafarer's don't have any cabin windows between the windshields and the pop up cabin hatch. As you mentioned, it's probably a 1995 model year instead. Or even still... I thought they made some of the older SeaV1 hulls with twins on the older 228 Seafarer's, but if yours is a 1995 then it would be a SeaV2 hull. Are you sure it's not a 1991 and older boat as it looks like 1992 is when they switched from the SeaV1 to the SeaV2 hull for a 22' GW. Still a cool boat, as long as you're happy with it then that's all that matters. I was going to say I've never personally seen a newer (1998-present) style of Grady White 228 Seafarer with twin motors on them.
I'm sporting 730 lbs. of original loopers on the back of my 87. She drinks some fuel, but she will jump up and toss you out the back if you're not careful. Ahhhh, the smell of two strokes in the morning!

Grady 226.jpg
OP, that boat is a 1988. Either someone is misadvertising, or has fat fingers.
Regardless, a clean boat.
As stated, I definitely don't think it's a 1995 as I can't find a 228 Seafarer after 1991 that had an option for twin motors on it. Which would correlate with the fact that between 1991 and 1992 Grady White switched from the SeaV1 hull to the SeaV2 hull. In fact, I don't even see where twins were a factory option for a 228 Seafarer. Per their brochures, it mentions there being a factory option for the 226 Seafarer, but I can't find anything supporting there being a factory option for twins on a 228 Seafarer. Though I could very well be wrong.
He told me there were only 14 produced. Maybe he meant that year, 1995.
So what's the problem. It looks like a nice boat. Above is the problem with the internet. Anyone or anyboty can post. I doubt this gibberish is useful advice to you. Unfortunately you have to filter it yourself. Don't give up though. The Great Grady site can be quite helpful.
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My 1986 > 240 offshore was offered with twins... That twin option offered a very visible 5'' added on extension to the transom height in order to allow twin 25'' motors ... What are the shaft length of those motors ??? If they are 20'', I doubt that the boat was made for twins. And even with this set up I was really disappointed with Grady engineering... There was always water coming in over the transom and through the scuppers with 2 guys fishing in the back oft the boat. I see this boat has had the "ping pong ball" scuppers installed on the transom ... I WONDER WHY !!!??? ... I went the same route in order to COMPENSATE for the scuppers being below the water line . On a scale of 1 to 10. my effort was worth about a 5.
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My 1986 > 240 offshore was offered with twins... That twin option offered a very visible 5'' added on extension to the transom height in order to allow twin 25'' motors ... What are the shaft length of those motors ??? If they are 20'', I doubt that the boat was made for twins. And even with this set up I was really disappointed with Grady engineering... There was always water coming in over the transom and through the scuppers with 2 guys fishing in the back oft the boat. I see this boat has had the "ping pong ball" scuppers installed on the transom ... I WONDER WHY !!!??? ... I went the same route in order to COMPENSATE for the scuppers being below the water line . On a scale of 1 to 10. my effort was worth about a 5.
It appears to be different for different years, and obviously different models of boats. The 1986 brochure though says twins on a 226 Seafarer had 20" shafts, but the late 1980's models like a 1989 had 25" shafts. Page 15 for the 1986 brochure and page 17 for the 1989 brochure.